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"Everlyn Garcia Brooks!"

With my eyes still on Ajax's as his lips formed a smile, my lips peered together as my Aunt Penny called my name. I turned around, suddenly feeling her arms wrap around me, nearly killing me as she hugged the breath nearly completely out of my soul.

When she pulled away, her green eyes shimmered in the sunlight. Her teeth a little sharper than they were before, but her hair blacker than ever. My eyes looked around her, hoping to see my mum, but no.

"Where's mum, Aunt Penny?"

Her face grew with the same guilt it always had when something was about my mother. "She couldn't make it, Everlyn. You know how her job is."

I gave a nod, before taking a step back, bumping into Ajax. I had forgotten he was behind me.

Aunt Penny's smile grew as she met Ajax's eyes. "And you are?"

"Ajax, ma'am," he said  looking down at me.

He hated eye contact, usually.

"Ajax!" his parents called, and he looked their way. He planted a kiss on my head, and made his way to them.

Aunt Penny watched him walk, her smile brightening. "Oh my, Everlyn. Almost four months and you already have a boyfriend?"


"We're not dating," I clarified quickly.

With a smirk, she looked around, until her smile faded once she looked at the darkest clothed family there was.

"You know the Addams?" I asked, making her look down at me.

"You know the girl?"

"Wednesday. She's my roommate."

Aunt Penny looked disgusted. "You poor soul. I knew Morticia back in our day. She was of course the prettiest around school. Many guys would kill for her."

"Apparently her husband did," I said, looking around for Ajax, hoping he'd save me.

"Of course Gomez did. He once killed an animal to give its heart to her as a gift. I was disgusted. Out of all men she could of had, she chose him."

"Well love is love," I said, looking up at Aunt Penny.

Then suddenly something hit me. Ryle! A frown grew above my eyes.

"Why are you here?" I asked bluntly.

She frowned in confusion. "I'm sorry?"

"Why else would I be here, Everlyn?"

"Stop altering your thoughts," I bit. "You're not here for me, are you? You're here for Ryle?"

She gre with disbelief. "Everlyn Garcia Brooks. How dare you-"

"Admit it. I'm started than you think."

Actually, I'm not. I can just read minds.

"So what I'm here for him? I'm here for you too."

Of course she wanted to meet him. I had no right to be mad actually. Ryle was her son. She was allowed to have her own feelings.

I sighed. "It's alright, Aunt Penny. I can't be mad."

Suddenly my eyes scanned the area. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be there, since he had no parent to come, sort of. But he aught to be at dinner and tomorrow's picnic. They'd meet eventually.


"That's a bit harsh," Ajax said after I told him why I think my Aunt Penny was really here.

I shrugged. "I can't be mad though," I whispered. "He's her son. She has the right to want to meet him."

"Does she know he is creepy and bit of a psychopath?"

I sighed. "Ajax, I can't tell her all this. He's her son."

"Coming," Aunt Penny asked as she stepped beside me, her plate filled with food.

Smiling, I nodded. She lead me to a table in the back of the quad. I noticed many people being scattered. Wolves in one area, vampires in another, sirens in another, and so on. Yet, Aunt Penny wasn't interested in sitting with the wolves like herself. She sat with me in the ungrouped area.

"Tell me about him," she said, and just then, my eyes shifted past her, and at a figure entering the quad. Ryle.

"I'll be right back," I said, suddenly standing up, walking past her. She didn't question me, and just kept on eating.

Ryle grew a smile as I neared. "Everlyn. How wonderful of you to-"

I pushed him back into the corridor, before stepping in front of him. He was confused. I sighed.

"I hate you," I admitted in a whisper. "With every molecule in my body I despise you. You and your creepy photos. I know you're my cousin."

His face faded to surprise. "How could you-"

"I'm not stupid, Ryle Brooks. Our fathers were brothers, and our moms' best friends. Now as much as I want to strangle you until there's no blood flow you that pea-sized brain of yours, I'm not going to."

I grabbed Ryle's wrist, pulling him after me back into the quad. A few eyes flew to us, and I saw Ajax stand up in the corner of my eye, but I didn't stop walking. Ryle just chuckled, but I heard the confusion in his laugh. Until I pulled him beside the table, and his and Aunt Penny's eyes locked. She stopped eating, and he fell silent.

"Aunt Penny, meet Ryle. Ryle, meet your mom."

I grabbed my plate of food, and walked off, straight to a still standing Ajax. He saw my approach, and I noticed him chase his brother away, before allowing me to sit down beside him.

"What did you just do?"

I sighed. "I introduced my stalker to my mother-figure. I dug myself out of a hole."

"Hello dear."

My flew up, suddenly meeting the eyes of Ajax's mother, and beside her, his father. I smiled awkwardly.

"You must be Evie."

"She's prettier than he said she'd be." -Ajax's mom

"He told us so much about you."

"Mom," Ajax groaned. I couldn't help but giggle. "Please," he begged.

His mother mocked a scoff. "Oh Ajax, I'm being friendly. Now switch seats with her. I want to get to know her."

Against his begging will, we ended up switching seats. His mother, who was also a gorgon, and super friendly. His dad was surprisingly quiet for how talkative he looked.

"And what are you?" his mother asked, surprising me. "Also a gorgon? He would never say."

Then I realized that she asked that because my hair was up in a bun, under the beanie he gave me.

I giggled. "Oh, no ma'am. I'm a te-"

"She's yet still to discover," Ajax interrupted, immediately spiking a mad look from me.

His mother smiled, suddenly taking my hand. "Oh dear, it's alright. Some are just not gifted immediately."

I smiled at her, before glancing at Ajax in confusion. He gave me an apologetic look, before continuing to avoid eye contact.

Bloody men.

"My Evie..." {A.P.}Where stories live. Discover now