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I knew she fell asleep. It was late, and she was tired. It was understandable.

I ended up on my phone, hoping not to move or wake her. I was scrolling through Instagram, when a photo of Enid and Evie on Enid's account. They were in their room, dressed in funny clothes that didn't match. Most probably Enid's idea.

I pressed on the tags, seeing Evie's Tag appear on her. I pressed it, and it opened her account.

She looked so hippy-ish. She wore either long skirts with lots of jewelry, or a plain un-patterned dress with a cute hairstyle. It was cute.

As I scrolled through her account, I looked at her and her old friends. She didn't post much; barely at all. In her two months here, she only posted twice. One of her and Enid on the dancefloor, and one of Uriah's heap, but not in school clothes. It must have been one afternoon.

Her stories were simple. Only five: 'F' for friends, 'Mwah' for herself, 'Sea' for her cat at home, and one that surprised me: 'momma', but it was her Aunt Penny.

Looking down at Evie, I wondered what went on in her life. It bugged me not knowing what went on in her head. She wasn't much of a talker, but I learned to know her through her actions.

She didn't eat meat, because her aunt was a werewolf. She hated the smell of meat and would often pinch her nose when getting food. She didn't like stepping on cracks on the floor. She really liked coffee, even though she drank about four sugars in it. She never ate dessert at school. She loved long skirts. She never wore golden jewelry. She liked walking barefoot, especially over grass. She liked sunsets and a cloudy night sky. She didn't own more than three pairs of shoes. She never wore proper school shoes, but black convers. She liked reading books. She didn't like miss Thornhill's subjects, but liked watering the plants. She would sneeze when she smells smoke. She loved dancing, and music. She enjoyed making other people happy. She wouldn't let someone feel out. She never checked the time when hanging out with someone. She always sat at the window when riding the bus so that she could see where she was. Her ears were pierced in at least five times per ear. She wanted a nose ring but was debating on it.

Evie never told me any of this. I just noticed.

On her posts, I realized that she didn't have many friends before coming to Nevermore. Two people came up recently. The one I figured to be her cousin, a girl. They looked similar, but she passed on June 21 about a year ago. The other one was a boy. He looked our age. They seemed close. 

On his account page, I noticed that he posted her a lot as well. Her and a bunch of male friends. From what I saw, she was with him often in the past three years. Him and his friends. Some tall blonde guy with tattoos and an eyebrow piercing. 

I'm not the jealous type, I swear; but she had never mentioned him, and it made me upset in a way.

Evie was extraordinary in many ways, and I couldn't help but realize I was falling completely head over heels for her. She was like a daydream at night, and a wishing star at day. She was everything I imagined I'd never really want, but now I craved it.


A knock on my door sent my eyes open. I wasn't a deep sleeper much, and part of me only realized that recently.

I turned to look at my door, and as I did, I fell off the edge of my bed. Immediately I moved to my feet, rushing to the door as someone kept knocking. I made sure my snakes were covered, before pulling my door open.

A rushing Xavier pushed inside. "Man, Enid is worried out of her mind!" he groaned. "She called me just after five asking me if I saw Eve. Ryle's also not in his room, and now I'm worried sick that-"

Then a soft mumble shut him up. Both our eyes flew to my bed, and suddenly my sheets moved. Then Xavier looked at me with wide eyes.

"Please tell that's Eve."

Then she mumbled again, turning, and I sighed in relief when I saw her arm stick out from under the covers, her arm decorated with bracelets.

"Why the fuck is she here?" Xavier asked in a loud whisper.

I must've forgotten that I carried her inside and fell asleep beside her.

"Ajax, did you-"

"No!" I jumped in defence. "No. Not at all. I wouldn't- She- shit. She fell asleep on my shoulder, and I brought her inside so that I didn't wake her, and I must've fallen asleep beside her and she's still sleeping, and I swear I didn't do anything to or with her and I-"

"Dude," Xavier interrupted. "Dude it's fine. Just get her in her dorm before ten. It's currently nine. I'm ganna go looking for Ryle. He's never out so early. Okay?"

I looked at Evie, seeing her still asleep; so, I rushed Xavier out, before looking at her again.

For a moment I just stared. She looked so peaceful, and I didn't want to wake her up. But I knew I had to.

I gave her a couple more minutes, and meanwhile dug into my closet for at least a new shirt and pants. I pulled my beanie off, and then my shirt, only to hear a groan.

My eyes flew to Evie who sat up straight, wiping her eyes. Her hair stood in almost every possible direction, and it pulled my focus off of everything else while placing a smile on my lips.

Yet, I jumped behind my lost door, grabbing the first beanie I could find, before yanking it onto my head.

"Ajax?" she questioned, and I appeared from behind the door, a beanie on my head. "What time is it?" she asked, looking around worried.

"Nine-ish," I said, yet sounding more uncertain than I was. I didn't actually know what time it was; I was just hoping that Xavier was right.

"Nine?" she asked in shock, suddenly tumbling off of my single bed. Then she threw her head up, looking at me wide eyed as I rushed to help her to her feet. "I have to get to my room!"

"Why?" I questioned. Xavier said the same...

I helped her to her feet, smiling as she gave me a glare. I know I had to be worried, but I couldn't help but smile. 

"We're leaving for Jericho at ten-thirty, Ajax. Did you forget?"

Panic hit my eyes. "What? The entire school?"

"No, only a couple of us. Did you forget?"

Yes. "No," I lied. 

She rushed towards the door. "Right. Be at the busses at ten-fifteen, alright?" Then she swung the door open and rushed out with her bag. 

A smile peered my lips, knowing that she had no clue about how her hair looked. She also had no idea that she had my jacket on, or that she had forgotten her phone. 


I think I was the first at the bus. Xavier appeared not so long after me, telling me that Ryle was in the library, 'studying', but neither one of us believed him. Ryle never studied. Flunk majority of his classes.

The girls didn't take so long. The last one, which was Evie, arrived at around ten-twenty-eight. She wore a denim that flared at the bottom of the legs. Enid called them bell bottoms; I think. With it she wore a crop-top like shirt, that flared at the bottom of the long sleeves, and convers. Then her hair was let lose, while she wore my beanie. Mine! To make it better, she had my jacket with her, wrapped around her waist. She looked breath-taking.

We jumped onto the bus, before leaving. Evie and I sat next to each other, while Xavier and Wednesday sat in front of us. Enid sat beside us, talking to someone in a year higher than us, but they didn't go with us. They went alone. 

In Jericho, we found ourselves at the coffee shop, where we ordered coffee, and each a slice of pie. Of course, as usual, Xavier and I avoided Tyler, who seemed to avoid us. The girls were irritated, but Wednesday and Evie understood. Enid couldn't care less.

"My Evie..." {A.P.}Where stories live. Discover now