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Alright. By the time breakfast was over, I thought Evie was embarrassed or something. So much rather she didn't leave her room. Enid seemed a little on edge, but that was probably because of parent's day on Thursday in about two weeks. Evie was probably also worried to death of that.

No big deal, right?


As the day passed, I hadn't seen her. She didn't read my dm's, and I was worried she was mad at me. It bugged me until lunch, when she didn't appear, and I lost my patience.

I made my way to her room, where I found only Enid inside.

"Where is she?"

"I thought she was with you?"

Panic hit me. "What? Why?"

Enid frowned, getting off her bed. "Well she slept over Friday night. I thought she did last night as well."


I shook my head. "No, no she didn't. Wait, so she didn't come back?"

Enid filled with panic. "No! Her convers were gone and so was your jacket. I figured you went our last night and she-"

"We did. To the shed, where-"

My words faded. Oh shit. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. She never made her way back!

"Where she what, Ajax?" Enid asked in panic. "What, Ajax?"



"Evie and I went to Xavier's shed last night and she left alone and never entered Nevermore."

Weems looked at us with wide eyes. "I'm sorry-"

"Ma'am, she's out there alone. We don't even know if she's alive."

"Right," Weems said, standing up. I could see that she tried acting calm. "Did you try contacting her?"

"Her phones in our room," Enid said. "So are her headphones. I don't think she planned om staying our so long."

Weems looked at me. "Ajax, do you know where she might go?"

"She doesn't like the woods at night, ma'am. Not alone anyways. Not after the monster attack. Please, we need to find her."

She gave a nod. "I'll contact the Sheriff and we can send out a voluntary search party. Ask Bianca and Xavier to help."


"Keep an eye on Ryle," I told Xavier as we followed Miss Thornhill and other teachers into the woods.

Xavier nodded, watching Ryle who was a couple feet ahead of us.

People called out Evie's name, and we scattered into the woods. Of course many checked the shed first, but she wasn't there. We tried finding a foot trail but it was to no avail.

There were ten kids at most. Many were 'too swamped' to be looking for a lost student. Pathetic outcasts. We found they mayor and Sheriff with three other officers a bit into the woods. Not even their dogs picked her up.

I was starting to panic more.

My mind rushed with possibilities.

One: She got lost on her way back. From what I can remember, she wasn't in the woods that much before; and I led her to the shed, because I knew the way.

Two: She ran away and hid. Sure, it was a stupid idea, but it was a possibility. Maybe she got embarrassed or mad or something like that.

Three: Ryle did something to her. Even though he helped looking, which was weird since he was stalking her, he could have did something. Maybe follow us last night and once she left he grabbed her.

"My Evie..." {A.P.}Where stories live. Discover now