Sanskar To Commit Suicide

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It's been  one week since the whole truth comes out infront of Maheshwari Family about Shona being Swara and Sanskar daughter and about Swara's death. Everyone is living in remorse and sadness and Sujata in guilt and regret She started blaming himself because she had cursed Swara. But the person whose condition is worst is Sanskar after knowing about Swara's death Sanskar lost her consciousness and admitted in the hospital for 2 days and after coming from hospital he's now living his life like a lifeless body he neither goes to the office nor comes out of the room even he stopped eating food Sujata forcefully make him eat by giving him Shona swear or else he won't touch the food plate. He was totally devastated after knowing about Swara's death he's dying each and every second in his Guilt. If not for his daughter Shona he would have committed suicide after coming back from hospital.


Sanskar comes home after being discharged from the hospital with Sujata and Ram when he saw that Sharmistha and Shekhar are present there in the hall they both after literally one year they  stepped inside the Maheshwari Mansion.

Shekhar is on pool of tears and yelling at DurgaPrasad and Annapurna blaming them for Swara death and they both are standing while hanging their head listening silently all the accusations what Shekhar throwing on them, while Sharmistha condition is not at all good Ragini is holding her in her embrace while she's crying nonstop. When Shekhar eyes felt upon Sanskar he angrily March towards him and slapped him so hard that he stumble and fall in the floor Sanskar is already weak and the intensity of the slap is really hard, everyone gasp seeing this. Shekhar hold his collar and make him stand from the floor and again slapped him. Sujata try to stop Shekhar but Ram is standing as if it seems to him that Sanskar deserves this slap. Shekhar totally ignore Sujata plead who's saying that Sanskar condition is not good he's weak, Shekhar again make Sanskar stand on his feet holding his collar and say's

Shekhar - Because of you only and only because of you, my daughter is not in this world, you are her murderer, you killed my daughter, you are my daughter murderer. (he roared in extreme anger and pushed him due to which he again fall down on the floor)

Sujata immediately bend down to make his son stand on his feet.

Shekhar - I declare that from today onwards me and my family have nothing to do with this Maheshwari family. Except Ragini, Laksh and my granddaughter Shona, I break my relationship with everyone, ever since my daughter Swara came to this house after getting married, she could not breathe a moment's peace. She was always busy in solving your family problems. One time, she had put her life in danger to save the life of the daughter of this house. And today this same family took the life of my daughter.

Shekhar cried while saying this and everyone tears damp eye's again started filling with tears, Sujata recall the day how Swara fall from the cliff for whom to save her daughter Uttara, Sujata lowered her eyes in shame for cursing and accusing Swara when she left Maheshwari Mansion without any word's.

Shekhar wipe his tears and took Sharmistha in his arms and say's "today, Sharmishtha and I have entered this Hell House for the first time after Swara's departure and this is the last time we came to this house. Today both of us will leave from here but not alone we will take our granddaughter Shona our Swara's last sign with us".

Here Shekhar declared his decision that he will take Shona with them and other side everyone felt like their souls left from their bodies. Sanskar, Laksh and Ragini get panicked.

Laksh - no papa you can't take my daughter away from me. (he says in scared tone)

Ragini - papa Shona is our daughter she will stay with us only.

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