Chapter 15- good night-mares

Start from the beginning

I picked her up and, unlike how it's been most of the day, she held onto me.

"Ok..." she mumbled, "we can go back..."

"Thank are you alright? That seemed like a pretty nasty fall."

"Yeah," she breathed out, rubbing one of her eyes before she put her head on my shoulder.

I waited for a second before there was a slight flash, and I blinked. We were back in the storage basement of the ship. I knew at least how the bounce platforms work now and jumped up it. Hattie held on before her grip on my jacket loosened and her hands just stayed there. I walked through the hallway of the science lab and ended up at the wall that takes the dweller's sight to get through. Well, not that convenient...but, I do remember what the bedroom looks like.

I pictured it for a moment, before going back into the science lab. There was a space under a desk to slip through. I took my crown off, holding it in my hand as I moved my arm back to support Hattie. I am more worried about dropping her than losing my crown...

Nonetheless, I moved through the shadows, and going into her room was shockingly easy. When I came up, I realized it was because the lights were off.  I fixed my crown back upon my head and stepped lightly onto the floor. It wasn't that difficult to see, not with my occasionally handy glowing eyes. I went and put Hattie into her bed, getting the covers over her and taking her hat off her. I placed it on the bedside table next to her.

I walked to the door quietly, and it let out a hissing noise as it opened. I glanced back at her to make sure she was still asleep. She was out like a light. I smiled slightly and walked through the hall into the main hub, and looked around for a moment.

The little vacuum was plugged into its charger, and all the lights were dimmed. The brightest thing was the planet outside the window. I walked over to what seemed to be a control panel and watched the planet slowly rotate. The ocean itself gave off some sort of light, but the whole planet did. Well, nearly all of it. Subcon was a dark splotch on it.

Watching all of this in the quiet is quite calming...

I unclipped my cape and set it on the desk next to the steering wheel of the ship. And pulled my coat off after, resting it on the chair. I sat down in said chair and rotated it so I'd be facing a flat desk-like surface as I watched the silence of space...

Each blink got a bit heavier, and I rested my face on one of my hands...I shouldn't need sleep...I don't think I should...


"Madison...?" A voice called out, I opened my eyes, and realized I must have fallen asleep. Weird. But I turned my head to the one calling my name, Hattie of course—

Oh, oh my.

"Madison..." she sniffed, as tears were rolling down her cheeks, what happened?

"Hey-hey, what happened?" I asked, suddenly being very awake, and turned to her.

"I.." she gulped down sobs, "I had a bad dream..."

Poor thing...

"Oh, kiddo..." I got up just to kneel next to her, "was it scary?"

She nodded.

"Scarier than me?"

She nodded again.

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