chapter 2: the quest /space

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Hey sorry about not writing for so long but I hope you enjoy this next chapter also there is a time skip because I just want to get into the drama

Keith's pov

It was after the 2nd war that I was sent on a quest by myself,thanks a lot Rachel (we love Rachel) I was sent to this airforce school. Why? I'm not sure but the prophecy said I would bring strange beings to earth so I said i would do it. Strange how life is isn't it?

So that's where I am now, at the garrison on my first day. How'd I get in you ask being as models have no information about me? Well it was all thanks to a decedent of AthenaSam holt.

The backstory w as that I was an orphan in the desert all alone.

Anyway back to the present

'This class is sooooooo boring' sometimes I wish I didn't have ADHD but oh well.

I wasn't really caring about my grades because I already knew all this. The math, flying lessons (thanks jason), the history (also thanks annabeth) so grade weren't an issue. But what was an issue was my temper.

I needed more lessons from nico on controlling my temper. Hmm maybe that'd what I should go do over winter break.  Annabeth wouldn't mind helping either.

I could definitely sence something going on between nico and that Apollo kid. He better not hurt my brother!

Off topic anyways back to this class. We were learning about mythology, you Roman,Greek,, ect.

Now nico may be the king of ghost but I was the ruler of shadows. I was playing with a shadow in my hand when the teacher's voice yelled through the class.

"Mr.kogane, please answer this question!"

I looked up and apparently we were learning about Zeus.  The question was who was zeus son.

"Oh that's easy it's jas- Hercules" dam the fates and his stupid cockyness.

"Correct?" The teacher was surprised.

"Um, miss can I go to the restroom please?"

"Go ahead kogane" with that I quickly left hopping no one saw me.

I IM chiron to ask what to do and he said nothing, like don't do anything. OK I guess, I then asked if I could come back for winter break and he said yes.

I was basically skipping my way back to class. The teacher didn't care so I sat down in my set and doodled. Well until I heard myself being called to the front office.

"Miss (random teacher) can you please send keith kogane up to thr front office, he has a visitor"

I thought of who it could be but I wasn't sure. So I grabbed my things and went to the front office but not before I heard James griffin say "aww I bet his dead dad was here to see him"

I mean they weren't wrong but still. Hades was waiting for me at the front . When I saw him he said "go leave your stuff in your dorm, mr.bunner wants to talk to you." 'Huh?' But I just talked to chroin but ok I guessed.

2 weeks later

I was so wrong it was a quest. But hey I got this cool scar on my ear and a tattoo on my wrist.

But when I walked into class Monday of the following week the teacher (shiro) was there asking ever question in the book all the while a few kids were there in the class kinda glancing at us.

It was all to much that was until chiron 'walked in, in wheelchair form of course.

"MR.KOGANE!" Shit what did I do this time.

"Yes mr.bunner?" He turned to shiro and smiled.

Oh my gods what was happening .

"Keith you forget your bag" wait what, he then handed me a bag. "Ok thanks you mr.bunner tell neeks I said try not to get hurt." Chiron the nodded and left.

"Who was that keith?" Shiro... Oh my gods I forgot about shiro.

"Oh um he's my friend who's also my therapist"

Shiro then nodded and continued asking questions until he saw the scar.

"Where'd you get that scar?" I frozze

A clear sighted mortal

"O-oh um I just fell off a tree that's all"

Shiro seem skeptical but nodded.

2 years later

After that day me and shiro were kinda close. He wouldn't question when I would go out at night sometime or when I would leave during the breaks.

He was comfortable to be around well that was until he went to space and didn't come back for a year then went back into by a blue robot lion.

Let's just say Leo was so excited to hear that when I IM camp.

Nico was worried about me but I reassured him I would be fine, even swearing on the river of synx.

That's how if was for months, well until a problem arose. The problem being....

Hehe cliffhanger

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