Chapter 7

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It has been a day after the whole thanotor situation and your have healed up very well and enough to be able to leave the healer hut. The events of yesterday are still running thought your head and you had been trying to figure out why, the Great mother had decided to speak with you out of all navi. Even due she gave you words of encouragement it seems made you fell a bit confused as well, even your family and everyone around you become a bit more overprotective. It was easy to see where they were coming from as yesterday had been eventful and scare for everyone.

Y/n " ....."

???? " y/n " you soon heard someone speak up getting your attention as you turned around to see Tsu'tey standing there.

Y/n " hey Tsu'tey "

Tsutey " y/n you should be standing after yesterday you should be resting and not doing that much" Tsu'tey soon came near you as you were sitting on tree root looking out on the forest.

Y/n " I'm okay I decided to come our for some fresh air care to join me"Tsu'tey soon sighed as he soon sat next to you on the log, he had give you a kindhearted look.

Y/n " Tsu'tey what happened was no one fault none of you knew, that the Thanator was out there and will take me"

Tsu'tey " yes I know that but it our responsibility to be there for you and we failed you"

Y/n " no failed me you all came home right away, and told my father what happened that was very mature of you all"

Y/n " even Jake tried to help me that day you all did a good job, no blame should be placed on anyone shoulders"

Tsu'tey " I still feel horrible"

Y/n " oh Tsu'tey" you soon lead your head on Tsu'tey shoulder showing him some, love and comfort at the moment.

Tsu'tey " are you sure you are okay after all that happened yesterday"

Y/n " yes a lot of stuff had gone down yesterday and things, I'm still trying to understand what is going on right mow .... Oh great mother why has life become so complicated"

Tsu'tey " I ask her that question time to time" the pair soon started laughing a bit, as Tsu'tey soon embraced you in a warm hug.

???? " y/n " you soon heard your name getting called and it is Neytiri, as you had soon turned your head to see your sister coming towards you and Tsu'tey.

Neytiri " there you are I was wondering why you were not resting at home"

Y/n " well I was feeling well enough and decided to come out for some fresh air that all"

Neytiri " you didn't stop her"

Tsu'tey " I was shocked when I saw she was gone as well, and found her sitting like everything is all good"

Y/n " hey I just came here this have a sit that all and not that far from the village, I just need time to think"

Neytiri " about yesterday"

Y/n " yes everything happens in flash to hard to understand what, was real or if everything was a dream I had felt after the Thanator took me"

Neytiri " sister job don't need to fight this battle alone we are here as well"

Y/n " there will come a time when I will need to fight my own battles, and it will be battles that you two might not be able to fight for me"

Tsu'tey " well if we can't fight for you when we will stand by your side"

Y/n " thank you"

Neytiri " we will never let you feel like you are alone, we will stand by each other as that was the promise we made to our slywainne"

Y/n " yes and I will always be there you two as well"

Tsu'tey " good we need to stick together after all that, has happened and in the future as well" the trio soon sat there together on the log just like they had done when they were very young.

Jake " hey guys"

Y/n " hey Jake care to join us there room for one more"

Jake " if you all don't mind having me"

Tsu'tey " well y/n already claimed you a friend and invited you so there no getting rid of you now or ever maybe lucky you"

Jake " see I know you would come around and y/n was right after all"

Tsu'tey " you talk about me with Jake"

Y/n " yes and I talk about everyone with him when he asked" Tsu'tey soon shakes his head as you and him made even more room, for Jake as she sat next to Neytiri. The four adults had stay there a bit longer until they head back to village.

Neytiri " what going on"

Y/n " I don't know let's go see" the four adults had spotted a crowd, as they soon made their way there none of them expected to see Grace and norm standing there with moat.

Y/n " Grace"

Grace " hello y/n it so good go see you again" you soon went to her and hugged her happy to see her again.

Grace " I had a feeling you were at the school busy that day is that true"

Y/n " yes and I saw you and your friends but I could stay for long, I so badly wish could of stayed to talk"

Grace " i understand Neytiri and Tsu'tey hello I have missed you both as well, I have missed you all"

Neytiri " hello Grace" Neytiri soon hugged Grace as Tsu'tey placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Tsu'tey " welcome back"

Jake " this is my buddy norm"

Norm " hello may this day shine great on us all"

Tsu'tey " he speaks better then Jake sully" the crowd had laugh at that comment.

Jake " haha very funny I know you enjoy me being here Tsu'tey as now, there someone who can beat you"

Tsu'tey " it seems like you have the guts of warrior like hope that so true when the time comes"

Eyuthan " what going on here grace and other dreamwalker"

Grace " Eyuthan hello it has been so long"

Eyuthan " yes it has well it seems like you all have been invited back it seems it going to be good thing, to have three dream walker here let hope the great mother nothing bad happens for everyone sake" Eyuthan said nothing less as he looked at his mate and daughter, a small smile on his face before he walked off.

Moat " after being gone for so long grace has come back to us we have so much to caught up on"

Y/n " let's show you two around has so much had changed since you were all last here" Grace and norm nodded their heads after so long ago Grace had finally come back to the clan. After the events of yesterday it was good to have some happy moments and chances to make new memories as well.

Blessed by eywa Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora