Chapter 6

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You had finally opened her eyes to see she was at the spirit tree. You soon got up, but you were in your body as you tried to gain some balance. The last thing you remember was speaking with Jake and then the Thanator. Soon, the shock had hit you. Where is Jake, and what happened to the Thanator. Coming from your injuries and how you are not in the same place as you were before will explain how the creature had taken you. You soon looked at the spirit tree, which was so massive and beautiful. You always love coming here with her life and sisters, and she feels a special connection when she is always here.

Y/n "Umm." Some of the truck of the tree had caught your attention as you soon placed your hand onto the truck of the tree.

???? " y/n"

Y/n " hello is anyone out there .. hello" there eas someone or something speaking to you, but you couldn't see who. As you looked around your surroundings but it was just you and nature.

???? " my child there is nothing to worry about now listen closely to me .... you are one of the many that have been blessed by the gifts of eywa"

Y/n " why me"

???? " since the day your were born and opened your eyes you have showing a good heart ... eywa had picked you and many other like you"

Y/n " thank you mother I will make you proud"

???? "  you will have you place in your clan soon and many other things will follow after that"

Y/n m " i will wait until the times comes I will learn form my family and friends, and make my own life and see where my future will be"

??? " you are smart child ... now I leave you with this blessing of eywa follow your heart ... and it will lead you on the right path and when the times comes you will have to let go of those you love"

Y/n " I will I will follow my heart and my density ... when I have to say my finally goodbye to someone I hold dear I will accept it ... even with a broken heart" when you had opened your eyes you are on the ground. You are still in pain as you couldn't move at the moment, you had to get home as night fall was coming and it will not be safe to be out here during the night even when you are hurt. Soon a growl had been heard as you soon looked up, and saw the thanotor walking towards you. You had thought you need to be saved until the thanotor lowed his head, in bow when he got closer. It seem like you might be given a ride home after all.

Home tree

Eyuthan " how could you all let this happen why did you spilt up, how foolish are you all" when the group had returned to home tree everyone had thought everything was normal until they noticed you, were gone and when the story was explained everything become worst.

Moat " Eyuthan"

Neytiri " father  we didn't know this will happen my sister wants to come and help, we we allowed it because she deserved it ... we thought she will be safe we didn't know this will happen" Eyuthan had become mad upon hearing the news of the disappearance of you, and now no one knew what could of happened to you.

Eyuthan " well you were wrong daughter how many more times dose your sister life, have to be put in danger for all you to see she not like you all"

Moat " Neytiri the both of you need to clam down we need to find your sister we are all worried about her" moat is worried as well, knowing that you were alone and after hearing the story she become even more worried. She also need to keep the family together was well during hard times like this as well.

Eythuan " you Tsu'tey are always with my daughter protecting her why were you not with her today, I thought you and my daughter will know better ... we don't know where in eywa she is with the creatures we can't lose anyone more people like this during these hard times"

Tsu'tey " sir I'm sorry we tried looking for her but the creatures and her were gone we came back right away, I will form a party with neytiri and go after her"

Jake " excuse me sir but I think you have y/n all wrong ... just become she smaller then you all and different Disney mean she can't be a fighter" Jake had finally spoke up gaining everyone attention he knew he need to speak up right now for the sake of you and everyone else.

Neytiri " Jake"

Jake " I saw her fight off the creature to save my life and she handled everything on her own, if I can see that a whole stranger why can't you all"

Mo' at " Jake sully is right you has a mighty heart and blessed by the great mother... we need to have faith she is safe and will come home, we have to work together and not blame each other or ourselves"

Tsu' tey " yes she can but what if one her moments comes up she will be on her own, and we know what has happened in the past" Jake had saw everyone get quite after Tsu'tey comment there were more things he didn't know about them, and about you and everyone else.

Mo' at " we can't lose her like this we almost lost her like this before" Eyuthan had went to comfort his mays their daughter soon joined them, everyone worst fear was happening right now.

Tsu'tey " it will be good to gather any warriors we have and Jake sully as well if he wishes to come to find her" a group had started getting ready to go find you, with everyone saying prays for you to be okay.

To you

Y/n " I'm finally home" the thanotor soon lowed it self down, as you had been able to get off you soon pet the creature.

Y/n " thank you buddy" the thanotor soon took off as you had started taking some steps, toward home tree you are so happy to be home.

Y/n " huh"you had heard movement coming towards you, but soon enough you had saw Tsu'tey and  neytiri along with Jake. There had been some other warriors behind them as well.

Y/n " hey I'm home" the trio soon ran towards you as you had lost balance, Tsu'tey was able to caught you.

Neytiri " come one let's get her to mother someone tell my father and mother, y/n is home and need medical care" one of the warriors had taken off.

Jake " it seems like the creature was here"

Y/n " it was funny story it brought me home"'

Neytiri " you can tells us more later now let get you help and some food " you had nodded your head as Tsu'tey soon picked you up.

Tsu'tey " you have been brave enough today"

Y/n " thank you" you had been taken home and attend to right away. Everyone was making sure you are okay after all that happened, today for you. It also seemed that they all had so many questions of what we happened to you. Those questions will be addressed tomorrow.

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