Chapter 1

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The years had come and gone and the baby girl, that had been found all those years ago was now fully grown. You had been taken in by your family and clan, they didn't see you a demon due to you look but a blessed child of great mother. Soon sky people had come some of them looking like Navi, being deemed as dreamwalker and demons. The relationship had started with grace as she came to be friend and student soon everything had become one tragedy after another. Even grace and her people could understand why you looked like them, even they had been amazed on seeing you. Grace had a close friend and mentor to you and the clan,and everything was going well until it wasn't anymore.

Mo'at " you are not eating your breakfast ma daughter is everything okay"

Y/n " yes mother everything is fine I was planning to go scouting today"

Neytiri " why"

Y/n " I just want to maybe I can help see if the sky people have made more ground"

Eytukan " no" eyuthan has become protective of his family since that tragic day at the school house, since the lost of his eldest daughter everything changed.

Y/n " please father I will be safe and careful I know the why home, if something happens I can fin my way home"

Eytukan " I said no end of discussion now if you excuse me I need to have a meeting with the warriors, girls come along"

Neytiri " thank time little sister"

Neytiri " maybe you can talk Tsu'tey into taking you flying later on today he will do anything for you"neytiri smirked at her first as she knew there was this romantic unsaid tension between her sister and Tsu'tey.

Mo'at " your father means well y/n we just need some of people to stay here, the sky people are evil and don't care about those around them but themselves"

Y/n " what abour grace and her friends they seem nice ... Grace was seen as one of us at some point"

Mo'at " that a story for another time I most go I'm need to see some sick children and elders"

Y/n  " yes mother"

Y/n " eywa" you had dropped off the basket and went to gather more fruits and seeds when you had felt something was off, someone was watching over you. You had wonder off when she came arcs the old school house, you walked inside and started remembering good and bad memories that had taken placed here. You had love coming to school with your sisters and friends, but after that day this place only become a place of sorrow.

???? " the school house is up there" you had heard voice coming speaking the sky person tongue, but you didn't stay for long knowing it will causes war if you caught. You had smiled out of window and soon ran off, you wanted to stay with the chances to see who had come. Knowing that will be bad you soon wonder off from the school, with many questions going through your head.

Y/n " ......"

???? " who there" the dream walker was not the smart as his fire will be tracking the bad attention luru was going to tell him tp put it out, but he had stopped her and looked shocked.

???? " you are one of them ... hey you look like me and the other avatar"

Y/n " put our fire now they will come"

???? " you speak English im Jake Sully nice to meet you" it was to late soon a howl had been heard making luru panic the dreamwalker named Jake was now getting something bad was going to happen. You  had picked up a stick ready to fight when two viper wolves jumped at you  knocking you down they were trying to bite you but were missing, but you couldn't fight the much due to the fall.

Y/n " ahhh" joke was trying to help but was becoming overwhelmed as well soon a yell was had come the brushes had Neytiri started fighting off the viper wolves, some of them and ran off but one got hurt.

Jake " thank you" luru had made her way over to the wolf and started slowing petting it neyshabur had given her a worried look, but she will tend to her sister later she gave the animal a quick and painless death.

Y/n " thank you sister " Neytiri had helped her sister onto her feet and stated checking her out, for any bad injuries.

Neytiri " are you okay did this dream walker hurt you"

Y/n " im okay sister"

Jake " thank you for saving me back there"

Y/n " the viper wolf" luru had walked pasted the Jake and towards the injured animal there were no way to save the poor creature, she had soon started petting the animal.

Y/n " sorry brother and thank you ... your body now goes to eywa" Neytiri had killed the viper wolfe quickly not letting the animal lay in pain anymore, luru was soon helped onto her feet. Jake could tell the youngest sister was smaller than the oldest one.

Neytiri " now we leave come one" Neytiri had pushed luru in front of her and they soon started walking as Jake was following after them, he seemed very interesting in Neytiri.

Jake " wait I want to say thank you for saving me back there we would of been goners"

Neytiri " this is sad very sad they didn't have to die"

Jake " hey I'm sorry okay I didn't mean ton hurt you or your little friend"

Neytiri " your foolish error almost got my sister killed you are like a baby always making noise"

Y/n " I don't think he meant it"

Jake " then why did you save me"

Neytiri " you have a good heart"

Neytiri " hush now go away" Neytiri and you started walking again but Jake was following luru didnt care she found him funny but Neytiri didn't like him.

Jake " I was wondering if you can teach me"

Neytiri " sky people can't learn"

Jake " you and your sister speak English well ddi you learn from grace I know her... you most be some of her students"

Y/n " you do"

Jakes " yes I came here to learn and make peace"

Neytiri " you stop talking with him and you go away"  soon you and Neytiri were shocked when wood spites had landed on Jake it was a message from eywa, luru had walked closer to the men and smiled.

Neytiri " we can't stay here for long ... come along"

Jake " what your name or maybe I can ask your sister or her name and yours"

Neytiri " calm people calm" Jake was soon knocked down when some had wrapped around his legs, sending him crashing into the ground soon warriors had shown up on dire horse, right away luru was wishing this party of warrior were command by someone else because soon enough Tsu'tey showed himself.

Neytiri " what are you doing Tsu'tey "

Tsu'tey " this demon should not be here .... Luru why are you here"

Luru " I ran into him coming home I helped him and he helped me" Tsu'tey soon pointed his boy at Jake ready to fire but luru had gotten in his way.

Luru " no killing him he knows grace  he might be her friend"

Neytiri " there was a sign from eywa we have to let the spit leader now"

Tsu'tey " bring him we are heading home" jake was soon taken by some of the warriors as the group head back to the home tree, Neytiri had a protective arm over her sister and keeping her away from the dream walker. Even Tsu'tey and his warriors were keeping Jake away from luru they didn't trust him because he was a dream walker and dream walker were bad news. Tsu'tey had looked back at luru a few times mouthing something to her that got Neytiri attention. Soon enough the home tree was insight of the group it seemed like this night was going to have more surprises then anyone had thought.

Blessed by eywa Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora