Chapter 4

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You are with the banshees she still couldn't believe her father was allowing her to finally have a banshees of her own, there had been some incidents in luru life that had her family and friends worry about her. The banshee riding didn't do well for her when, she had done it and it almost led to her death when she was younger. She was petting her sister banshee she was waiting for neytiri and Jake to show up.

Neytiri " sister why are you up here"

Y/n " I came for the beautiful view neytiri I'm not trying to ride one of them I'm good"

Neytiri " dose father know you are here"

Y/n " yes he dose"

Jake " is she not supposed to be up here"

Neytiri " she is supposed to be standing where is safe"

Y/n " fine I'm moving back ... so Jake do you want to fly one of these banshee"

Jake " yes when can I fly one"

Neytiri " when the times comes you will learn to fly and so will my sister" Neytiri soon put on her flying mask and soon took off on her banshee leaving Jake and luru alone together.

Y/n " want to come wondering with me and I will answer any of your questions"

Jake " sure"

Y/n " good come on " you had pulled Jake away from the resting banshee and they soon left the home tree, some of the warriors had spotted them leaving together.

Jake " so you and some na've children were grace old students in her old school house"

Y/n " yes we were I missed those old day I wish the kids now could go there as well"

Jake " what lead to the school closing"

Y/n " many years ago an incident had happened between the Na'vi and the humans, that lead to the school closing and my father becoming mad .... He soon had the human banned from our lands"

Jake " I seen the old photos but grace only told me short piece of Information"

Y/n " yes when grace left I was sad but now she back here, and all seems good ... Jake why are you and your kind here anyways"

Jake " we are looking for a new home for my people"

Y/n " should we trust you Jake and the other humans or should we fear you"

Jake " trust me and I will prove not all human are bad"

Y/n " deal" the pair had shaken hands on this agreement as they smiled. They had walked a bit more until they found a place to rest at the moment.

Jake " do you mind me asking if you are comfortable, tell me about your other sister Sylwanin I heard her name mentioned by Grace but nothing else"

Y/n " Slywainn is the oldest of me and neytiri, she had been told she will become the next tshaik after our mother... she had been kindhearted and funny always looking out for everyone and fighting for a good cause"

Jake " she sounds lik a good person"

Y/n " she was until she lost her and two other during that horrible day, at the school house and after that things were never the same ... we were all effects by the day ... I lost my big sister and felt alone for some time"

Jake " I'm sorry for you lost I m is how to feeler to lose a loved one"

Y/n " no one should ever feel this pain ever"

Tsu'tey " y/n there you are your mother needs your help .... Jake sully"

Luru " I will be going right away excuse me Jake sally" you had ran off leaving tsu'tey and Jake the two Na'vi men were looking at each other, soon the facial expression on tsu'ety face changed.

Tsu'ety " you better walk lightly Jake sully because one more out of places with luru, I will make you wish you never came here"

Jake " so you are into her I can see why she nice and sweet, and you are some serious warrior"

Tsu'tey " that none of your business dreamwalker" tsu'tey soon walked away leaving Jake with a smile on his face but deep down the poor guy was scared out of his mind, grace was right tsu'tey is overprotective of her.

Later that night

Tsu'tey " so what were you and the dreamwalker talking about"

Y/n " well he asked question about our clan and I answer them, he told me something about the humans... we even talked about slywannie as well"

Tsu'tey " did you you should be careful around him"

Y/n " I know but I think he might be good for the clan"

Tsu'tey " we sill see about that eywa will have to decide"

Y/n " I still miss her"

Tsu'tey " I as well she will always be missed by us all, everyone we have lost will be missed forever" Tsu'tey had brought you into a warm embrace making you smile and hug him, it felt good to speak about your sister but it also brought pain as well.

With Jake and Neytiri

Jake " so what the deal between your sister and tsu'tey"

Neytiri " they are in love with each other but scared to, tell each other how they feel"

Jake " she seems to make him happy and he make her happy as well"

Neytiri " yes " Neytiri was starting to think she was wrong about Jake as she was showing his soft side and was very nice to lur, she was getting this weird feeling about him maybe a dreamwalker can learn her people way. Eyuthan and Mo'at were worried about their youngest daughter they didn't want anything bad happening to her, but they knew tsu'tey will be the perfect mate for her the issue were his parents mostly his mother. Tsu'tey and luru had a tight bond that not even eywq herself could break because she was the one who helped them find each other.

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