Chapter 5

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Today hunting was going on and you had been invited to come with her sister, Jake, some other hunter, and tsu'tey and his younger warriors. The hunting today was going to help Jake and the young warriors get better at hunting down food and showing more of their culture to Jake. You had a knife and bow with you happy to come hunting with her family and friends if any bad helped luru had her healing skills, that she learned from her parents along with her sisters as well.

Jake " so what are we hunting" Jake was asking this question due to be very confused at the moment, he was happy he was invited to come but there were many questions he had.

Neytiri " we are hunting down a teylu"

Jake " oh okay" Jake had felt he was a bit more confused about what had happened told to him, as he was still learning about everything but he was still not caught up on everything.

Y/n " if we don't get a teylu we will go with our next best options"

Tsu'tey" keep close everyone and keep your guard up as well, we don't need anyone getting hurt"

Hunter 1 " we have eywa on our side and you as she is a good healer if we get in trouble she can help us"

Jake " you are a healer as well"

Y/n " yeah the positions I have in the clan are ones they are supposedly to be safe for me, and wont cause harm"

Tsu'tey " your help in the clan is welcome and needed" Tsu'tey had looked back at you making you smile at bit as his word are very sweet and make you feel better as well.

Y/n " thank you" they had soon reached the area where teylu bugs had lived and everyone had been spilt up into group you and Jake had been tasked to get, the teylu while the others had tracked down an strumbeet.

Jake " so are tasked in digging up bugs that fun" Jake didn't like the idea of digging up for bugs while everyone else had, gotten the chance to go hunt down some food for the clan. As he really wanted to proven himself to the group and clan if they were going to let him become one of them.

Y/n " everyone part in the hunt is useful and good"

Jake " out of everyone here you seemed to be the most welcome and the children as well but why"

Y/n " I know how it feels to be an outsider with the clan, if you have noticed and I know you have I don't look like my sisters or parents ... or anyone else in the clan"

Jake " well yes"

Y/n " I had been found by Eytukan when I was a baby and raised by them since then, I don't know of my brith tribe or anything else... so I don't know very myself about myself but since I was young I had been told I was special and child of eywa even though I don't look like navi I'm still navi"

Jake " that explains alot and it good to see you have been able to make a life here, along with a wonderful family and clan that will do anything for you I can see you are truly love by the navi and grace... she talk so much about you"

Y/n " yes grace is someone dear to the clan and me she had made me see myself for my true self, along with teaching me anything else I need to know"

Jake " that wonderful"

Y/n " I think in no time you will become one of us jake I know you wish to robe and you will but it will take time, as you will be tested so I hope you are ready for a challenging"

Jake " I'm solider I'm up for any challenge" you had laughed making Jake laugh as well the both of you seem to be doing well together.

Jake " so tell me what going on between you and Tsu'tey as I have been hearing rumors"

Y/n " he someone dear to me and he had always been there for me" soon there was growl that had scared you and Jake when you guys got a closer look there was a Thanator standing there, the creature was just standing there looking at you and Jake.

Jake " stay behind me okay" Jake was ready to defend against the Thanator after his last battle with one, he knew this creatures was something not to mess with and could caused you both harm or worst.

Y/n " Jake no you cant fight it alone"

Jake " well I fought the last one alone until he ran off"

Y/n " juts stand still and it will leave, we haven't done anything yet to make the animal mad" Jake had kept his bow just in case something bad happened, both luru and Jake were hoping that the creature will leave soon. A small rock had fallen off a cliff hitting the ground setting the creature off and soon it came running towards luru and Jake, the both ran but the animal had hit Jake sending them falling into the ground.

Y/n " Jake" luru had taken out his knife ready to fight off the creature as Jake was trying to fright the creature, luru had hit the creature and the animals soon looked back towards here. The animal new target had become luru.

Y/n " Jake run now when you have the chance .... Ahhh" the animals had picked up luru and soon ran off with the her leaving Jake there as he tried to go after them. Soon the rest of the party had shown up, and when they only saw Jake there and scenes that something bad happened here worried set in. It had become worst when they are you was missing and nowhere near Jake or anywhere else.

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