39 || what's your type

Start from the beginning

This. This sounded like heaven.

"I hate you," I mumbled.

"No you don't," he whispered. I glanced at him for no longer than a second, and we looked at each other with warm cheeks before turning back to the road.


"Yeah I'm definitely dyeing it," I said as we sat down with our ice creams.


"My hair. I'm bored of it." I'd been thinking about it for the larger part of two days now.

"But it's cute like this," he said, reaching over to pull at one of my curls.

"You know it can still do that once it's dyed, right? I should do something crazy and unexpected. Like... blue. Or pink. Green?"

"Don't do anything stupid to it, please," he whined, leaning back into his chair as he ate some more of his ice cream. "I'll never forgive you if you do."

"You seem to care more about my hair than about me," I said with narrowed eyes. He shrugged, biting his lip to contain his smile.

"It is what it is, babe," he said with an exaggerated wink.

"Call me that one more time and you're never getting anything chocolate ever again."

"Wow, that's a serious threat," he said, putting his hands in his hair. "How am I supposed to choose between such a dilemma?"

I stuck out my middle finger, and he laughed.

"You know what, I'll come up with something better. Something so personal you won't dare to deny that name."

"I challenge you," I said. "If I like it, I owe you... a box of Swiss chocolates from Switzerland. Like, I'll actually fly over."

"Okay," he said with a smirk. "My schedule doesn't allow me to fly to Europe for a bet, but what I can do is bake you five of your favorite types of cookies."

"That's unfair, you love baking anyway."

"Are you telling me you don't like Switzerland?"

"Touché. We have a deal." I slid my hand across the table so we could shake on it, but instead, he took my hand in his for a brief moment, watching my face the entire interaction. I felt my skin heating up, but he didn't notice.


In the course of the next week, Hanna and I had decided on keeping the promotion thing on a low meet profile for now. I posted when her new single came out, and we made sure to get a few pictures at events together.

Today would be the first of those events. We were both nominated for an award show. I wasn't going to perform as my label didn't think I'd be reliable enough, but I didn't mind it. I was perfectly fine sitting at one of the tables, watching the other nominees on stage instead.

After my stylist dressed me in something they deemed appropriate, I got in the car. We were a few minutes ahead of schedule, so I got an idea.

"Wade, I can trust you, right?" I asked my driver. He wasn't much of a talker, so he just gave me a thumbs-up. Wade was amazing. Despite all the words I'd exchanged with my friends with Wade behind the wheel, not one of those things had ever been discussed outside the car.

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