36 || plenty interesting

Start from the beginning

Oakley just made me feel different. He made me feel like I was my own person. He made me feel independent, worth it, and special. I wanted him to feel that too.

"Happy birthday, Oakley," I said.

He pulled me into a big hug I couldn't get out of. We both still reeked of alcohol and sweat, and I was still not wearing my shirt properly. I couldn't wait to go home. "God. You're perfect."

"I'm really not."

"To me you are." He pressed a kiss against my lips. "It's beautiful. Thank you." He put it on the moment he pulled away, and I smiled at how the braided leather fit perfectly around his wrist.


"So what exactly is going on between you guys?" Gen asked immediately once she saw us descending down the stairs. Even the words made me grow all red.

"Gen, meet my absolutely amazing and adorable boyfriend," Oakley said, sitting down on the couch with the grin still playing on his lips. It was crazy how a person could smile for that long without every muscle in their face being sore.

"Well, for how long?"

"Depends on whether you consider anything past twelve the next day, because if so, it would be today." He got up off the couch to literally just drag me along so I could sit down. "But we have been going out for a while, though. Do we still get our food now?"

"Right," she said. Even she was smiling. Everyone was just so happy. It was incredible.

Gen left to go to the kitchen, and Oakley and I sat there in peaceful silence, both still giddy from yesterday. I took his hand in mine, looking at the bracelet around his wrist. Of course I'd seen it before, and I'd spent way too much time watching in the box, contemplating whether or not this was a good idea, but seeing it around his wrist made my stomach do these funny flips, and my heart beat like I'd run a marathon.

"So when is our next date?" he asked. I looked up at him, and he'd already been looking at me with this time a softer smile, the dimple in his cheek faded, but was still there. I dropped his hand, letting it fall on my thigh.

"It's definitely your turn now," I said. I'd given him too many passes, now he was just expecting me to come up with something.

"But you're so good at it!" he complained, putting his hand on my knee. I blushed, which I hated. I couldn't blush every time he did as much as look my way.

"It's your turn," I repeated.

"I hate you," he said, crossing his arms as he slouched back into the couch.

"No, you don't," I whispered in his ear, earning me that smile back. He forced my hand back in his and entwined our fingers.

"I'll come up with something worthwhile," he promised. "Just wait and see."


"Where did you disappear to, huh?" Mylo asked as he found me at the crafty the next Tuesday. I hadn't seen him all of Monday, which came as a relief since I knew he'd question me about it, but sadly my relief had now ended.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, picking out a simple sandwich as I'd skipped breakfast and lunch. I tried to be nonchalant about it, but knowing my acting skills when it came to lying, he could probably tell.

The Obscure Downsides of Fame (New Edition)Where stories live. Discover now