chapter 19

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I'm sorry guys for the delay and all that. I went to school, boarding life hasn't been easy. I don't go to school with my phone so I couldn't update, I'm really sorry. I hope I'm forgiven.
(Dawn's POV)
I sat typing on my laptop when I felt a sharp pain on my leg, I frowned. I hope it's not what I think it is. I pulled out my phone to check the time '11:12pm.' 'It's getting late,' I said to myself. I tidied up my things preparing for bed when the pain burnt around my feet. It felt hot. It felt funny and had an odd shape. I went to my window and there it was,
The full moon
Then it dawned on me, my feet's changing!!! I had to leave, it won't be good if they find me this way. Looking down at myfeet, it turned to that of a wolf and I was slowly turning into a creature. I opened the door looking around, no one was out. I tiptoed out to the corridor slowly moving downstairs.
"Fuck!" the door's locked. I checked around for the key, found it under the pillow on the couch. I unlocked it quickly running out into the forest out to the woods. I was slowly changing, my moon mark finally turned blue and my fur yellow. It's really bad. The powers finally kicked in.
Max heard when the door clicked open, he got up frowning,wondering what was wrong. He checked the time '11:47pm.' He got up putting on his flip flop grabbing a coat running down. He was confused when he noticed paw prints on the floor. He met dad standing upstairs. Gilbert looked at his son and they shared eye contact. "Where's Dawn?" They both asked running towards the direction of her room. The door to her room was opened, her room was a mess, so weird. They noticed the paw prints in her room, they trailed it down to the door. They shared a look looking at the moon.
'This is bad,' Max ran a hand in his hair. "We've to find her," Gilbert said getting his keys and a coat. "Get your car Max. We're taking different routes," Gilbert ordered. They both zoomed off in search of her.
Meanwhile, Naomi and Freda woke up due to their noise. She was scared when she saw the prints. She tried dialing Gilbert's contact but it didn't go through nor did Max's. She held Naomi to herself calling the cops.
Somewhere in the woods...
Dawn couldn't control herself anymore, ataxia kicked in. Her eyes were deeper and fierce. It spoke danger, her fur was no longer white anymore, it became yellow and had a blue streak on her neck and leg. She looked beautiful yet dangerous. She stood at the top of the hill howling to the moon. She looked down glaring daggers at the kingdom.
"You'll all die," she muttered running down due to the warlocks power she could run faster. She became aggressive, people ran away, wolves were dying at her feet. She entered the black kingdom glaring at them all.
"You took me, it's time to take you all," she walked slowly toward the gamma running towards her with sharp claws, she scratched it's face tearing it into pieces. Two more came from behind, she was cornered, she gritted her teeth throwing daggers at them with her murderous gaze. She didn't look like their princess anymore. Before it was seen, she jumped on one tearing it's flesh with her teeth and claws, the others jumped on her scratching her badly but to their dismay, her wounds healed quickly, she abruptly turned around heading straight for two, slitting their throat. She walked gracefully into the kingdom. She didn't care who they were, she murdered them babies or not.
She got really angry lifting up her paws,a blue ball headed straight to a building destroying it to ashes killing the people inside. She began throwing more balls to the place destroying houses and wolves. She could no more recognize who she was, not Max, not Yvonne nor herself.
Ace looked down watching his very own daughter destroy the city. He sent for help from the Red dynasty. Alpha Wayne sent his most trusted people including his sons. It became a war. Suddenly Dawn howled to the sky, Ace couldn't believe his eyes, warlocks were here, another war...
The warlocks stood behind Dawn, Ace and Xavier stood infront of the wolves. Xavier was terrified , he knew something was wrong with her and now he knew. Eamon went up to pick a fight with Dawn in his human form.
"Shift back, let's fight as humans."
Princess Aisling tilted her head. "Your wish is my command." Mist surrounded the area,thunder stroke down. She emerged dressed in a black gown, her hair black now swinging at her back,her nails long and sharp. Her moon mark shone blue. Eamon was scared but he stood his ground.

He attacked her first with his sword, she twitched her lips using her hands to block his hands. He was dumbfounded, she spread her arms, he felt something hold his neck tight,he couldn't breathe. Xavier couldn't take it anymore, "attack!!" He yelled and she disappeared. Eamon fell to the ground, Dylan helped him escape. She appeared behind Ace as a wolf scratching his leg, Ace yelled, Elsa watched from her hiding place, Yvonne held her close. Ace groaned in pain, she slit his skin open, Derrick attacked her from behind, she became mad growling louder attacking him without mercy. Xavier helped Ace out to Yvonne.

"Take care of him, I'll be back," he ran back jumping on her. She fell on her back struggling with him, she tore his face, he groaned in pain but he didn't let her go. There was bloodshed everywhere, two more people held her but she struggled sending them flying. Xavier landed with a loud 'thud.' She jumped on him fighting with him, he was weak.
"Dawn!!" He called her name, she stopped looking down at him, she shook her head fighting back mercilessly, Xavier tore her flesh flipping her over. She took Derrick and Xavier by surprise.

"Please Dawn, don't. Remember, these are your people. Do you want to wipe out the whole generation?" Xavier yelled to her, Dawn stopped. She looked from him to her brother. She was shocked. "Please don't," Xavier pleaded. He used her betwixt state to pin her down. He shifted back to human, Queen Alice appeared before them with the orb and the sword. Xavier got the sword then he did it. He stabbed her. Alice held the orb near her. They all saw a blue flame burning on her body then the stoned orb regained its color slowly till it got back and she disappeared. Derrick attacked Xavier after he wore clothes,
"Why did you kill her?"
"I had to," Xavier managed to say.
"She's my sister, you stabbed her!!"
"She's my mate too. Not only you is hurt. I feel the pain." Xavier pushed Derrick off him getting up. The warlocks rejoiced that they won leaving the battlefield. Elsa ran out to meet Dawn, she wrapped a towel around her wolf daughter who was slowly shifting back. Elsa stared at the dead body laying before her.
"No!!" She screamed crying loudly. "Please say this isn't true, " Xavier stepped forward picking her up taking her inside the park house.
"I can't believe this," Ace with a bandaged leg came down. "Me too," Yvonne said after all.
"She's dead," Riley said wiping her tears.
"She's not!!" Xavier countered, "she's not dead. I didn't stab her heart."
"How do you know this?" Ace asked.
"I was told ahead what's gonna happen," Elsa looked at him with hope.
"Are you her mate?" Riley asked getting the hank of it. "Yes," he said bluntly not wanting to tell them more.

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