chapter 14

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         My thoughts about talking to Winifred last night popped up during dinner. She served me but I felt guilty, I couldn't eat but I have to force myself.
   "Winifred, can I have a word with you?" "Yeah sure,what's up?" She sat beside me on the couch.
"Winifred, you've been really sweet, fun, loving and caring but am really sorry I can't continue to live in this fantasy." She was confused.
"What do you mean?"
"Look, I know you'll be really mad at me but if I could explain everything in detail to you,you'll understand me better but for now all I have to say is I lost my feelings for you. It's not like am not happy for those times you've been here and we spent together. I'm grateful but I already have a girl, I seek peace in. She's all on my mind. I won't lie to you but I can't continue to pretend that I love you when I don't. I know it hurts but you have to understand."
     Tears rolled down her eyes, she wiped it.
"So you're saying everything we share has been fake,"
"I'm sorry but yes,"
"Being with you for a month, the kisses, hugs, apologies, everything was fake." She sobbed lightly. I tried touching her hands but she shoved me off.
"Everything apart from the apologies were fake. I'm really sorry Wini. I feel guilty bonding you like a slave under my roof." She stood up drawing in a sob.
"I understand, thank you." She ran out. I know she's hurting but that's the right thing to do at this point. I can't keep on lying to her so I'll be the Alpha. I can be the Alpha with or without her. I can wait for my mate if that's what destiny want to happen.

                     (Dawn's POV)
"Hello dear, am Alice," the lady in a white garment said. I looked at her, she seemed friendly but I still need to keep my distance.
'Dear what's your name?' should I answer her?
"Dawn Smith," the lady sat on the bench calling out to me. I sat down beside her.
"I wanna know about you?" I throw my face away.
"What do you wanna know?"
"You know child, I'll love to know things about you. I know what you are and what you possess." I tensed up. How did she know.
"Then what am I?" I try to act strong.
"You're a werewolf and yet you still possess powers that belong to the witch clan. You're Aisling, the daughter of Alpha Ace who disappeared with the orb." I shot her a look. How did she figure this out. What more does she know about me?"
"Who are you?"
"I am Alice," I shook my head, she didn't get my question right.
"What are you?" Sounds better.
"I am a witch, Queen Alice of dream clan." I blinked unknowingly. I got up, why is she here first of all? What does she want from me?
"Sit down dear,I don't want anything from you. I'm here to help you."
"About what?"
"Your mate."
"Mate?do I have a mate?"
"Yes dear,you do."
"Where's he?"
"You've met him thrice."
"Really?" I sat down. Now am quite interested. "Can I help you recall?"
"Yes please."
"The guy at the lecturer's office, the guy in the boutique and lastly, the wolf at the woods."
I was surprised. Oh my, those guys or I mean that guy is actually my mate. 'So why can't I feel the bond?' I asked myself.
"His name is Xavier right?" I asked her. "Yes, soon to be called Alpha Xavier."
"Which kingdom please?" I pressurized.
"Red dynasty."
"My dear,my time is up. I'll be with you tomorrow, remember he loves you a lot reciprocate it." Her voice trailed off and she disappeared. I sat down on the bench staring down at my hands.
"So all this while, I've found my mate but I can't meet him, why?" I got up running.
         I jerked up sweating profusely, panting too. I looked around, it's still the same. I pulled my phone close checking the time. "4:00am" 'that was a dream.' That witch queen has been appearing to me for two days now.
        I stood up to the bathroom splashing water on my face. I checked myself in the mirror. "You're not that unlucky with guys," I smiled to myself. Now I need to ask Yvonne some questions.
"Yvonne Bryan..."
"Aisling Bryan," that's my name so that means Yvonne is my sister......
I splashed water on my face forcing such thoughts out. "It can't be. It's just a coincidence Aisling, it's just a coincidence." I need to send a text to Cherry.

'Cherry, please can you drop Yvonne's contact for me please.'

I stared at the screen, no replies. I dropped it. "She'll see it later." I went back to bed,I tried sleeping but I just couldn't get an atom of sleep.
'What's this?why's my life like this?'
       'I hate my life.'
       'What's going on?'
        'Fuck to hell you orb.'

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