chapter 6

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    I woke up yawning, stretching my body. The sun kissed me good morning. Again, I dreamt of her but this time, she was screaming in pain as I stabbed her. I don't get it,why did I stab her? This bond, it's getting annoying. I'm slowly falling for her yet she doesn't feel the connections. Why did I get such a mate? Is there something wrong somewhere? This question keeps on popping in my head always.
My phone rang. I picked it up,it was Eamon calling.
"Hey bro,did I disturb you?"
I closed my eyes, "not really. I just woke up anyway. What's up?"
I heard Eamon sigh "we've found the kids. Mum assembled them at the pack house to be sent to their parents. Dad went on the search too but alone."
Did that big bag of wolf know it was dangerous to hunt alone? What the hell is wrong with him? "What's his problem?isn't he supposed to stand down till the coronation." I said pinching the space in between my brows.
"You know your father he won't until you're the Alpha." Anyways that's true, he won't.
"Eamon try to persuade your dad to stand down."
"I did just that Xavier but he said he won't until you've found a luna."
I grit my teeth, it's really getting stupid already.
"I've found her alright. Don't he understand!"
It's enough. Nobody should say anything about my mate anymore.
"You've found her can't get close to her indirectly you've not found her."
My jaw tensed up. It's hard to accept the truth that I've not found her.
"I guess you're right."
"I know it hurts but just try considering dad's decision." I bailed my hands into a fist.
"Eamon!!" I hung up.
    Wtf, why would he tell me to consider dad's decision? What if when I pick another woman as my wife  and then she appears out of blue? Do they know the implications? I can't  do it not when I've found her. It won't be right.
         I sat up swinging my legs across the bed, fitting into my flip flop, I walked into the bathroom. I took a shower then brushed my teeth. I feel fresh. I walked out with a towel wrapped around my waist, drying my hair when my phone buzzed softly. I flipped it open.
A text from Winifred:

    Hey dearie,
Looks like we are meant to be together. I got a call from your dad last night and he finally gave me permission to be with you.
                                           Luv u dear❤

I clenched my jaw. What the...
Why will he try to fix this kind of stuff for me? Don't I have a choice to make? Am I not old enough? Does he take me as a kid or what?! This is so not gonna work out.
I changed into a red t-shirt and a pair of black jeans with a black sneakers. I got my keys and left the house.
"Hey mum."
The other line seemed busy, I think she's at work.
"Yes darling, how are you?"
"Mum, what is wrong with dad? Can't he respect my decision for once. I don't want to be with her. I can consider his decision but not with Winifred." She sighed.
"I know but we had no choice. Not much girls have we seen you with. Isn't she your girlfriend?" I closed my eyes.
"She is but I asked her for a break. Mum, she's toxic." I finally reached my destination.
"I know but I have no say."
"But you're the Luna..."
"Not anymore son," with that she hung up.
       I walked into the cafe. I placed my order,waiting for it. Winifred placed a call to me. "Lord!!"
                         * * * * *
       In the black moon kingdom...
        Alpha Ace walked into the palace greeted by the council. He sat on his throne with no ounce of emotion. His beta got up.
"It's been 12 years since the disappearance of our princess and the orb. There's no sign of her anywhere. We've been searching but yet nothing's working. We keep getting the same result. We all have come to a conclusion that we stand down." Ace glared daggers at him.
"What did you say?"
"Alpha, I meant we should stop the search." Ace groaned, "do you know the meaning of what you're saying?"
His beta, Adrien shook his head.
"Then shut up." Even Luna Elsa got scared of her husband. He had been this way since when she disappeared. The whole kingdom has been on the look out for her. But the princess has never returned. She thought she died during the war but Ace said she wasn't seen by anyone. She was locked  up in the room with the orb.
           After the meeting, Ace barged into Elsa's room fuming. Elsa sat on her bed soothing her skin with her cream.
"Ace, you need to be calm." She said as a matter of fact. He stood by the window watching the city. "I know she's still out there darling." Ace said kinda harsh that Elsa flinched. She uncrossed her legs, walking towards him. She hugged him from behind. Ace calmed down, he touched her hands.
"I know she's out there." Elsa said suddenly. He spun around to face her,she hung her head low.
"How do you know?" He asked
"Mother told me her vision."
"Where's she?"
"She didn't tell."
Ace sighed, "we need the help of the warlocks." Elsa frowned, "you know we aren't in good terms since the war." Ace paced around.
"Darling, we need to try. Our daughter is out there, what if the humans finds out she's a werewolf. Have you thought of it?" Elsa looked away.
"I'm sorry, I didn't."
Ace stopped dead in his tracks. He averted his gaze to her.
      "Elsa, you didn't think of that? C'mon are you even bothered about her where about? Do you even care about her at all? Elsa, she's our last child and she's been missing for twelve years. You concluded that she's dead when I feel she's alive. Are you even her mum?" He roared. A tear rolled down her eyes but she quickly wiped off. She wouldn't let him see how much his words hurt her.
"She's been away for twelve years and yet you're doing nothing about it. You are even in support of the council standing down. I'm so disappointed in you." He walked out of the room.

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