chapter 18

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    I stood at the balcony watching the night skies. The previous day, meeting Xavier at the office wasn't on my schedule. I listened to the witch Queen, I tried controlling myself but I couldn't when he came closer. It hurt me really. I felt my chest tighten as he came close. I couldn't breathe.
Light footsteps stopped beside me.
"Dawn,you haven't still told me who she was." Dad looked around watching the city.
"Dad,I don't know how to say it, it might hurt."
"They are a lot of things, I've gone through dear and they hurt everytime."
"Have you ever thought of me finding my family?" I asked. I knew I shouldn't say this but I've to.
"I do and it scares me." Dad pressed his lips together.
"Dad, what if I say that the she I met is my sister." He averted his gaze to me. His eyes were sharp and piercing, he stood upright.
"Dawn did you?" I didn't want to look at him. I just couldn't hold it any longer, I averted my gaze. "Yes,I did" he clenched his jaw.
"When?" He sounded angry.
"That day but I met her few weeks ago. I went home." He sighed deeply slowly backing away.
"So you're gonna leave us?" The tears rolled down. "No,I can't. I love you dad," I moved in to hug him but he didn't return my hug. I don't know what to do or say. I get how he's feeling now, he's broken at this point. He pushed me away,he walked out. I turned back to the balcony. If dad can't hold the truth then who else, mum,Max or Naomi.
        I just wish Queen Alice is here. I wiped my tears. I don't know who to choose, the Smith's or the Bryan's, I love them both. They are both my family, I stared up. I was horrified.
"The full moon's coming soon," I ran inside.
                       * * * * *
       Two days later, I got some information about Xavier. I picked up his file, looking at his profile.
        Name: Xavier Hills
        Age: 28 years
        D.O.B: 26 NOV,1992
        Occupation: Business tycoon......
I shut it close, I can't look any longer. I got his office contact. I contemplated but I did it.
The phone answered on the third ring.
"Rd. Kingdom, how may I help you?"
I was mute for a while.
"Hello," the other said.
"Uhmm...hello is mr. Hills around?"
"Which one of them please?" How many are they?
"Mr. Xavier Hills."
"Oh,do you have an appointment?"
"Then how should I tell him you called?"
"Tell him it's Dawn Smith."
"Oh yeah I will."
"Thank you. I'll be expecting."
"Have a good day ma," the call ended. Oh goddess so I couldn't talk to him. What was I expecting when I called his office line. I sat on my seat reviewing some projects for quite a while before I heard my cellphone ring. I put it up without looking at the caller's ID.
"Hey," a deep husky voice spoke from the other line, I pulled it checking the caller's ID, "unknown," "
who's this?" I ask myself.
"Uhmm....excuse me, who's..."
"Dawn,it's me Xavier." I smiled to myself. "I heard you called, so I spared my time to do this. Dawn, calling you or meeting you, which is better?"
"Calling," I replied, I heard him sigh in frustration. I understand darling, it's not my fault.
"So..." he said obviously waiting for me to speak. "I just wanted to hear from you. I'm sorry about last time, I couldn't stand to talk to you."
"About that,what's wrong?" He asked sounding concerned.
"I don't know, I wish I did, i wish," I  muttered to the phone.
"I'm sorry, I really need to go. Take care of yourself, bye."
"Bye," I blushed all through. Lizzy looked to me from her laptop.
"Was that your boyfriend?" I shook my head.
"Then whose this guy making you blush?"
"Well I guess my crush," I blurted out.
She raised a brow, "really?" I blushed more. Lizzy teased me more with the call. I got home telling dad [Alpha Ace] about my mate and stuffs on call.
                    (Xavier's POV)
I was damn happy when she called earlier, it was quite surprising when the maid told me a lady was on the line. I thought it was Winifred until she mentioned her name.  I excused myself from the meeting to call her back. Her voice is soft and pleasing. She makes me fall deeper each day into the pit of love. I just hope one day she'll feel the same way for me. Dylan tapped me,
"Argh!! Dylan," I groaned.
"C'mon you're looking lost," I stood up walking to the desk.
"That's because I am," I took the glass of tequila gulping it down.
"I spoke to her today,"
"Who, wini?" I made this disgusting face. "Jeez no Dawn,"
"You mean princess Aisling,"
"Yeah, Dawn's preferable,"
"Whatever," he snapped.
"She called me. Dude, do you know what that means?"
"She's gonna dump you or she's leaving the country?"
"None, she feels the bond."
Dylan rolled his eyes, "she does," he said sarcastically. "C'mon Dylan, be happy for me," I shook his shoulders.
"Am trying but you keep disturbing me," he shoved my hands off leaving to the living room getting his keys.
"You're going already?"
"Yeah, mum called and she says you should come home sometime."
"Tell her I would and I love her,"
" I feel jealous,"
"C'mon you know I love you right?"
"Whatever," he said nonchalantly, "I love you bro," I yelled.

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