chapter 13

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    "Your highness," I have a  problem and I really need your help." She sat up. "Go on, am all ears son." She got up moving towards me sitting down right next to me.
"I've found my mate but she doesn't feel the bond as I do. Anytime I get close to her, she feels pain and uncomfortable around me. She doesn't spend time, she always hurry off. I really wanna know what's going on?"
"Xavier right?" How did she know my name.
"Yes queen."
"Do you know her name?"
"The only thing I know about her is she's a Smith and a werewolf." I said. Queen Alice had a finger on her chin looking at the throne.
"How long have this been going on?"
"A month and two weeks."
"When you both meet, is there any force or something that seperated you both since she can't feel the bond?" Queen Alice mumbling some words, a mirror appeared before us. I was a little scared.
"There's this blue ignition from her mark."
"What's her sign?"
"Moon," queen Alice averted her gaze to me.
"Moon?"  "Yes ma'am."
"Can I see your memory to really know how to help?" What can I do?
"Go ahead" "then follow me."
She took me into a room, she told me to lay on the bed then she covered my face with a big semicircular glass. She cast a spell on me then I went down the memory lane.

                      (Alice's POV)
I can't  believe  what am seeing. He's mated to the missing princess of the Black moon, princess Aisling Bryan. How can I say this to him? Oh my what am I gonna tell him. She looks like Princess Aisling, I'll need time to confirm this.

                   (Xavier's POV)
     It seemed like ages, how long has it been. I opened my eyes to meet Queen Alice's troubled eyes.
     "What's wrong?" I had to ask her. "I need time to confirm who she really is. I came up with a plan to appear in her dreams until I get her name. The memory you both share I've kept it with me."
"So how long is this gonna be?"
"Give me a week. I've a hint of who she is. I can't get her soul to appear before me because she has two creatures living with her."
"How's that possible?"
"Prince, I suspect she's the missing princess with the turquoise blue orb of the black crescent, princess Aisling that's why it's a blue ignition that separates you both." I was lost in thoughts.
"So why can't she feel the bond?"
"That am not sure of. Please keep this info with you till it's confirmed."
"I promise," I stood up bowing to her,responding with a nod and I left the room troubled.
"How did it go?" Eamon asked searching my eyes. "She said she needs a week to confirm who she is and my mate has two creatures living in her."
"Why can't she summon her soul?" Dylan asked walking behind us.
"It's because of the two creatures."
"What are they?"
"One is a werewolf and the other, we are yet to find out."
      We got back home to meet dad and Alpha Ace discussing.
"Xavier, we need you here." I greeted the Alphas taking my seat.
"Ace, you can repeat what you said."
"It's been twelve years since my daughter's disappearance and I need help in locating her. My daughter Yvonne has gathered some information about her and it seems she's still alive being taken by a family called Smith."
       'Smith!now it makes sense.'
"What's her name?" I asked.
"I don't remember the first name but she's a Smith."  'Shit!!!' I cursed inwardly.
"Do you have a picture of how she looks like?" He pulled out his phone showing me her picture and it clicked, she's the one.
'It seems the witch queen was right,' I mumbled to myself.
"If the warlocks could help then she'll be found easily," Alpha Ace said. I excused myself. 'I've gotten a lot of information about her in a day,I can't even digest it,' I thought.
         I left to my house dropping hard on the bed. Oh sure, I and Winifred need to have a heated conversation. I can't continue to pretend anymore. She is human.

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