chapter 10

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     I don't know what to do. I can't explain anything to her not like she'll understand me at all now she feels am using her. Obviously I am but it still pains me to see her hurt. Question is how would I make it up to her?
'Xavier, she's your girl...'A knock interrupted my thoughts. I walked to the door to see Dylan smiling widely at me. He initiated a hug. "Missed you bro," he said patting my back gently. We got inside.
       "Where's Winifred?" Oh no!! I scratched the back of my head, "uhmm." He raised a brow at me, 'what should I say?' I asked myself. Winifred walked out of the kitchen with a glass bowl of mixed fruit.
"Hey Dylan," she flashed her signature smile at him. "Hey Wini, how are you doing?" Dylan asked still smiling. I just watched the interaction between the two.
"I'm good, you?"
"Been better," Wini pointed at the bowl and he nodded. Wow she didn't care to ask me if I would join them, anyway she's gonna come around. Actually that's a lie, she won't.  They both sat on the same couch. I watched them chat happily, I was just the odd one out. I guess Dylan noticed the awkward atmosphere around us that he asked.
"Is there anything wrong with you and Xavier?" She threw her face to the other direction, Dylan looked from me to her, he raised a brow at me. He gave me this look of what's going on here. I shrugged engrossed in my phone. I felt the urge to return to that forest where I found her but I don't know if it's possible to find her already it's morning. 'No werewolf would want to show theirselves in the broad daylight Xavier,' I face palmed. Her image in my head has changed me. I just get mood swings here and there and now. Winifred has finally noticed I guess she's really mad at me.
       Winifred finally left to the kitchen just then Dylan walked up to me joining me at the bar. He sat on the barstool opposite me.
"Dude,what did you do to her?" I bit my lips ignoring his question. Dylan snatched the phone away. I threw him a deadly stare but he didn't bulge.
"I asked what did you did to her?"
"Nothing," I replied getting back my phone. He poured himself a glass of tequila.
'That's a lie'
"I was distracted,I thought of my mate." I glanced up to see his reaction but it was neutral.
"Have you found anything relating to her?"
"I wish," I got back to the phone.
Dylan drank his alcohol slowly staring ahead. "We need the help of the warlocks," I frowned. "You know the black moon and black crescent aren't in good terms so are you sure they'll help us?" I asked him unsure of myself.
"Where are you from?" I creased my forehead.
"Red dynasty,"I said.
"You see, we're the red dynasty not the black moon so they'll definitely help us." Dylan said proudly, "beside it's not only black crescent we can seek help from," he added. I sighed, he's right. It's not only the black crescent that's available.
"Do you have anyone in my mind?" I asked him dropping my phone on the counter. "Yes,Queen Alice." I thought of it.
"Queen Alice,the witch queen?" I wasn't sure. "Yeah,who else bro," Dylan chuckled, I shook my head getting on my feet so did Dylan.
"Do justice to that glass," I pointed at Dylan and the glass,"be careful." Dylan rolled his eyes at me.
"I know."
      I left to my room finding Winifred on the bed chatting and smiling. She looks engrossed in what she's doing. I went to my wardrobe, pulled out a turkey red shirt with a pair of black jeans. I fitted my legs into the black sneakers nearby picking my keys leaving her behind.
       "Are you coming?" I asked Dylan. I found out the idiot didn't come with his car. I drove him silently home. I just want to be alone. I went to breathe, Winifred has been on my neck for a while and now we are having issues at least it will give me space to be on my own and think things out.
         I can't believe I already like the Smith girl yet I've not had a proper conversation with her but it pains me as she can't feel anything. She's always in pain when we meet and that's what I don't understand at all. Am I cursed or something?
I walked into the bar parlor, I stopped in my tracks, I don't need to be drunk already. The full moon is due soon. I might see her soon. I turn about heading out. I zoomed off to the woods.

    In the black kingdom.....
     Ace sat on a sofa crossing his legs staring ahead. Elsa walked up to him standing infront of him.
"Honey, Yvonne's coming home. She said she found something." Ace lifted his face gritting his teeth. She touched his face sitting beside her, "darling, what's wrong?" Ace removed her hands getting up. Elsa was dumbstruck and confused. "Ace, what is going on here?" She squinted her eyes. "Woman, I want to be alone." The guard walked in bowing slightly.
"Princess Yvonne is here."
Yvonne walked in still on call,she smiled at her parents. Ace sat down back waiting anxiously for what she was going to say.
       Yvonne dropped her phone on the table sighing.
   "Dad, it's been a month since the assignment you gave us and I did my part of it." Elsa sat up, "did you find her?" Yvonne laze a smile. "Be calm mum," Yvonne got her phone flipping it open.
"One of these days, I went to a cafe saw an old friend's sister who invited me to her table with her friends then I met this girl with ocean blue eyes like Aisling but her name is Dawn Smith. She gave me this familiar vibe. She looked like you mum, yeah!! I've got a picture."
Yvonne showed the pictures to her parents. Elsa zoomed the picture, her expression changed, she said:
"She has my smile," Yvonne agreed with her. "Does she have the mark?" Yvonne scratched her head. "I didn't get close to her but she smells like a creature."  "Then she isn't human," Elsa said smiling to herself.
"How about her contact?" Ace asked this time. "I'm sorry, I didn't get it. I'll ask Cherry for it when next I'll call." Ace nodded. Elsa stared at the picture praying it should be her.

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