Chapter 29: Tiffany

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"Are you planning on ignoring West for the rest of the trip?"

Amy lay back on the lounger beside me, carefully positioning the umbrella so that it kept her in the shade. For the past two days, I had been avoiding the others, left alone with my thoughts. In fact, with the exception of Amy and Uri, the whole group hadn't really been talking.

Clearly, that time was now over. "What is this, an intervention?"

"Of sorts." Amy fixed me with a look that made it clear that she was done with the bullshit. "We get off this boat tomorrow, T. Uri and I are stressed out enough without you guys acting like West has the plague."

I immediately felt guilty. During these two days, it wasn't only me that had been awkward around my guardian. Diana had clearly distrusted him ever since - I hadn't really seen her around much either. We were on a big boat, but that was no excuse.

Uri and Amy seemed to have had the entirely opposite reaction, both of them being more understanding of his situation than the rest of us. Maybe it was because they truly understood how it felt to have everyone fear you for something you couldn't control. That reminded me of how it had felt when everyone had been freaked out by my powers, and I groaned. "I'm a bitch."

My friend barely held back a laugh. "You said it, not me." She paused, then gave me a pointed look. "I'm sure West is willing to forgive you if you just talk to him."

I folded my arms, instantly defensive. "He's been avoiding me too."

Amy shrugged. "Where do you think Uri is?" She sat up as a waiter came over, handing her an iced coffee. Her hand was a blur as she swiftly emptied a sachet of everlast into it, stirring before downing half the glass. I frowned at her.

"You should really sleep some more."

With a sigh, Amy flopped back down on the sunbed again. "Now you sound like Uri."

"Uri is right." When she rolled her eyes, it was my turn to give her a pointed look. "I mean it. I worry about you."

She drained the rest of the cup, her gaze fixed on me the entire time. Finally, she put the glass down. "And here was me thinking that we were here to talk about you."

An irrational flare of anger shot through me. That last comment had reminded me of what Diana said, which was partly the reason I was avoiding her. "Contrary to popular belief, this is not all about me." My jaw clenched. I hated feeling like the damsel in distress, having to be handled delicately for fear something would go wrong. "You guys shouldn't be risking everything for me."

"Diana was out of line. Ignore her."

"But she was right." This time, Amy didn't interrupt, knowing I needed to say what I had been thinking. "After you guys get me to safety, what happens to you?" When she looked away, for once not meeting my eyes, I knew I was right. "Amy..."

She sighed. "We'll worry about that later. For now I'm concerned with surviving each day, not the what ifs of next week or so." That was when I knew it really was bad. Amy only avoided things when she didn't want me worrying. "We're meeting in your room in an hour."

"All of us?" She gave me a dirty look. "Sorry." Unsure of what to do with my hands, I picked up my drink, my fingers skimming over the rim of the glass. "So have you spoken to Mei and Diana already?"

"Not yet." From the sour expression on her face, it was clear that she wasn't looking forward to it. Something told me that Amy had picked the short straw and been given the job of handling Mei. She glanced up. "Don't kill me afterwards, okay?"

"Why would I -" I followed her line of sight, barely holding back a groan as the two guys came over. West looked as happy to see me as I did him, which was saying something. Unable to help myself, I chewed my lip. Both of us had barely said a word to each other after that dream. I'd been freaked out for a moment, and he'd taken one look at my face and left. He'd still slept in the same room, not being the type to shirk his guardian duties, but he'd slept on the floor instead of the far more comfortable bed.

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