Episode 13 Naughty revenge

Start from the beginning

She made an angry face and said very angry voice

Krystal:- Anwesha didn't came ?

They laughed nervously
Because due to fear of krystal anwesha was hiding behind the car

Shivaay:- no actually she had some work so

Krystal crossed her arms over her chest and raised her eye brow

She looked at khushi

Because she know no matter what khushi will be always on her side as she is her soulmate

Khushi signalled her that anwesha is hiding behind the car

Krystal went there and made her stand by pulling the back coller of her dress

And started glaring her

Anwesha laughed nervously

Anwesha:- hii krystal, how are you

Krystal:- not fine and you will also not be in sometime

Anwesha gulped at her words

Anwesha got idea and she shouted while pointing towards another direction

Krystal loosened her grip and looked in that direction

Anwesha took the chance and ran while shouting  "sorry "

Krystal got more angry and started running behind her


She shouted while running


She shouted while running behind her

If you are thinking that why others didn't help her so then let me tell you they all know her anger very well they know if she is angry then it's not safe to go near her

In some minutes krystal caught anwesha

They both are breathing heavily because of running so much

Krystal:- so who will save you now babes

Anwesha:- please krystal, forgive me, i will do whatever you want

She said while begging to her because she one punch from krystal then she will be on ventilator 🤣🤣🤣

Krystal think for sometime then said this

Krystal:- ok i forgave you -

She was cutt off by Anwesha dancing in happiness

Anwesha:- thank you baby thank you so much I know you are my baby you will for give me thank you so much

She said happily

Krystal:- oh madam first let me complete

Anwesha nodded

Krystal:- so i was saying i forgave you but i have one condition

Anwesha:- what condition *confused*

Krystal smirked and Anwesha gulped because she know that she is thinking to do something evil

Krystal:- so my condition is as you know that from tomorrow our principal is coming back as he was out of country from some months

Anwesha nodded

Krystal:- so i want you to praise so much  me in front of him

Anwesha:- ok i will do , but why

Krystal:- cause he is my brother

Anwesha:- what ! How many brothers do you have. *shocked*

Everyone started laughing

Krystal glared them all

Krystal:- he is my cousin brother, and he will tell everything to Taehyung oppa what i will do in college, so Praise me in Front of him and make him believe that i am good girl

Shivaay:- look the girl who always calls herself bad girl is talking about show her as good girl haha *laughing*

Krystal:- you shut up monkey

She said while pointing her index finger at him ☝️

Shivaay:- what if i don't

He said while locking his index finger with her's with intention to annoy her

She glared at him angrily but everyone found it too cute

Krystal:- khushi look at this monkey he is annoying me

She said while fake crying

Khushi:- oh hello do you want me to break your bones

Shivaay immediately hide behind Anwesha

Krystal hugged khushi happily

Krystal:- thank you my soulmate

Khushi smiled

Actually khushi is fighter so that's why not just girl , boys are also scared of her  Girls power

Anwesha:- ok i accept your condition but why i have to show you as good girl infront of new principal

Krystal sighed dramatically and said

Krystal:- because that new principal is none other than my cousin brother and he will report to Taehyung oppa i do anything in college and then you all know *sighed +having fake tears in her eyes she fell on her knees dramatically and started looking at sky like talking to God * Why god why don't i have any right to be happy

All started laughing on her drama then she also

After sometime they all went to their home

In car

A beautiful girl was talking on phone

On call

??? :- don't worry boss Karan is not coming

Man  :- ok but still be careful that Lovishka is so clever If she got to know that you're working for me than she will kill you

???? Chuckled darkly

???? :- she didn't get to know from last 4 years how she will know now don't worry she trusts me blindly

Man :- ok but still be careful

????? :- ok

Call ended


This episode end here

Who is ????
Whom she trusts blindly

Who is cheating on her

You will get to know soon

Till then stay tuned

Love you my sweet chocolates

I will post soon

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