Chapter. 1

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Aiming your kunai at the targets that were painted on the trees, throwing them and hitting dead center in the middle. Deciding to train this afternoon, as you'd just finished hanging out with a friend.
But you couldn't help but feel a presence nearby. Lately you noticed something was up, but now you decided to check it out for yourself.


    "Bye Hinata, I'll see you around, I think i'm going to do some training." You said, placing the money on the counter.
You and Hinata just finished eating and hanging out, she was one of your best friends and the two of you did everything together.
"O-Oh, (Y/N) I can pay for my own meal, it's okay." The Hyuga girl said, which was already to late as you paid for her ramen aswell.
"Oh? No, no, It's okay I got it. Anyways I had a great time with you today, let's do this again tomorrow!" Smiling, you leaned in without hesistation and hugged the ravenette haired female, before walking off to a certain part in the forest, deciding to get some training done for the rest of the day.

Eventually making way to your usual spot, which was obvious since the tree trunks in this area of the forest had painted on targets, and lots of scratch marks from kunai constantly hitting the wood.
"Okay, let's see.." Mumbling to yourself, you pulled out your kunai, hitting every target in a swift and perfect manner.
"I should talk to Tenten later, I really wanna try some other weapons." Talking to yourself once more as you continued to train, nobody was nearby so it didn't matter to you, talking to break the silence and it make you feel more at ease.
Focusing some Chakra in the bottoms of your feet, and running towards a tree, climbing up the side of it with some kunai in each hand. Jumping off the side of tree once you made it a pretty high distance and hitting the targets whilst in mid-air, hitting everything perfectly.
Doing this over again and some other tricks, you'd walk over towards a tree and pull the kunai out of the tree trunk, so you could reuse it for your training but once you made it closer to a specific tree you'd hear some rustling.
You kept your guard up, but continued your training, not deciding to seek for something that may result in an unnecessary fight.

It was like you couldn't focus anymore ever since you heard the rustling, it started to bother you and you could tell it did, since your aiming wasn't as sharp as it was a few moments ago.
Stepping closer towards the tree you heard the noise nearby, concealing your presence and making smooth quiet footsteps. Once by the tree , you held a kunai in your hand, ready to attack anyone that didn't look familiar .

"I got you!" You looked behind the tree , and was about to hit the mystery person but suddenly came to a halt when you saw a familiar face.
It was Hinata, and her face was now lit up red just an apple or strawberry, an embarrassed expression was plastered on her face as-well. This of course made you a little confused, you weren't sure why she was watching you, especially after you just were hanging out with her. This didn't make you mad or upset, infact it made you a little happy she found interest in watching your training, but you decided to ask her if she needed anything.

"Hinata? You startled me. What are you doing here, did you need something?" Asking, you moved closer towards her as she took a step back, the blush still didn't fade from her cheeks .

"I-I'm sorry (Y/N) ! I uhm.. I-I didn't mean to cause any trouble. . I just saw you and it caught my attention, you looked pretty.. " Hinata mumbled, the last part was almost like a whisper so it was hard to hear but you were pretty sure you heard her correctly anyways .
The compliment from her was unexpected , and it made you blush but it wasn't as red and hot as the blush she had on her cheeks.

"Aw, well Hinata you're more than welcome to watch or join me. But I was just about to head back home, we can train tomorrow, how about that? I need to work on my hand to hand combat anyways and you're perfect." Smiling at her, you'd run to each tree and gather all your kunai, putting it back in the holster you had and the pouches that were wrapped around your thigh.

"Hey I got a great idea! You should totally come over to my place and spend the night, we can wake up early together and have the entire day to ourselves. It'll be almost like a friendship date." You suggested, awaiting to hear her response.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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