Salem: an excellent plan~

Missi: I like this plan I'm excited to be a part of it~

Ragyo: consider it done.

Y/n: excellent then we strike when the moon is full over the DWMA!!!!

Medusa: so about 5 hours from now?

Y/n: yeah basically

Junko: what should we do until then?

A long moment of silence past and eventually the Dark Lord of all spoke with his suggestion.

Y/n: wanna get something to eat

Everyone: yeah why not!

With that said everyone made their way to the cafeteria the mistresses of the dark faction teleported directly to the cafeteria of the Plagueis and there they had a meal fit for royalty prepared by the beautiful Dragon maid Tohru.

(Time skip 5 hours later)
Location: the Plagueis

Right now everyone aboard the Plagueis is getting ready for full on War because as soon as they leave the Plagueis all hell is going to break loose meanwhile the Dark Lord of all is crafting something very special deep in the Plagueis the Dark Lord of all is forging a weapon to exact his vengeance upon the world a weapon worthy of his power and greatness Y/n L/n is using a combination of Science and Magic to craft the Ultimate Weapon he managed to recreate the same material that formed his crystal heart using this super substance he was able to forge a blade unlike anything the world had ever seen a blade of unlimited power and through using dark rituals and techniques the Dark Lord of all was able to transfer a piece of his soul out of his crystal heart and into this weapon making it into the deadliest and most powerful weapon the universe had ever seen this weapon took the form of a sword a sword the dark lord affectionately named Tenebris a word that comes from the ancient language known as Latin a word that means Darkness the indestructible Crystal blade glowed with a dark sinister spectrum of unimaginable power the handle had a black wrapping made up of the flesh of the dark lord himself.

Right now everyone aboard the Plagueis is getting ready for full on War because as soon as they leave the Plagueis all hell is going to break loose meanwhile the Dark Lord of all is crafting something very special deep in the Plagueis the Dark Lor...

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(A/n): this piece of art is a creation of my own design tell me what you think in the comments, is it good? Is it bad? Or is it somewhere in between? I'll let you all decide.

Once the Dark Lord of all had his new weapon ready to go he made his way towards his other servants out of the forge.

Y/n: all right everyone you all know your places when the sun rises and falls on this world these three academies will fall and come sunset tomorrow this world will be mine~

Everyone cheered feeling the total confidence of the Dark Lord of all soon enough the time came The Plagueis loomed over the death weapon meister Academy it would have been so easy just to use every last weapon that the plague had to wipe out the entire city and it's inhabitants but where would be the fun in that.

EVIL IS SOUL DEEP (Evil Male Reader x Crossover)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu