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3rd Person POV.
Location: the Plagueis

Right now the Dark Lord of all is in his personal Trophy Room admiring his trophies he had collected from all of his Fallen enemies he he was currently in his normal power down form in his trophy room he had a piece of All Might's superhero suit all for one's helmet a broken rosary from the demi-human academy a piece of shattered armor from the White Dragon Emperor the Excalibur fragment known as Excalibur ruler and the holy sword askalon otherwise known as the dragon slayer.

Y/n: my power continues to grow as the hope for this world slowly dies like a noose around its neck slowly choking the life out of my enemies it is just as the natural order as Darkness Grows All light dies~

As the dark lord was reveling in his recent victory over the Infinite Stratos Academy he was planning his next move his Ultralink Army had grown vastly stronger but there were still hundreds more without a host to link with but Y/n L/n already had a plan to take down the new age Academy but before he could he had to take out the other academies so they could not send reinforcements or be of any Aid.

Y/n: where to strike next I must strike while the iron is hot but I must act decisively if I am to win the war~

Y/n L/n thought about it for a moment and eventually he had an idea he was going to attack all three of the separate academies at the same time using a three-pronged attack this was the beginning of the end and time waits for no man he was going to use a massive shock and awe attack unleashing each one of his forces again the three separate Academies all around the world and once all three of the remaining academies have fallen they will regroup at the new age Academy and there a final battle will take place and once the new age Academy Has Fallen the Earth will be as good as his.

Y/n: yes a three-pronged shock and awe attack Destiny waits for no man there is no reason to attack these academies one at a time anymore I'm too powerful for them to stop me now

With that said the Dark Lord of all immediately made his way to his throne room when he got there he summoned all of his servants once they arrived Y/n L/n started to discuss the plans for the next phase of the war.

Y/n: now here's how it's going to go down my ultralink Army will attack the kingdom of Atlas once it has been completely annihilated they will bring what is left of General Ironwood to the new age Academy.

Aku: yes my Lord and hopefully when we get there I can find a suitable host~

Y/n: hopefully next my monster and dragon armies will make their way to the blade Academy in Europe they will completely destroy the academy and they will bring their headmistress to me at the new age Academy.

Monster general & Ember: as you wish my Lord~

Y/n: meanwhile I will personally lead the charge against the death weapon meister Academy there me and my most trusted servants will destroy everything including the city I shall personally destroy death himself and finally I will meet up with the rest of my forces at the new age Academy where I shall destroy the two members of the Inner Circle right before my enemies very eyes and once they realize that they have no more tactical support all of my forces will attack the new age Academy and with every last ounce of strength my military has the New Age Academy will fall and once they have been defeated we can destroy the rest of this world's resistance at our leisure.

All while this was happening the three mistresses of Darkness were watching this meeting unfold via a seer grimm.

Salem: this plan is quite impressive consider our militaries under your control.

Y/n: excellent then the Grimm shall be deployed to atlas the covers to the blade Academy and the monster insurrection shall go to the death weapon meister Academy!!!

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