Interrupting Gaara VS Rock Lee

Start bij het begin

"64 Palms!!" Hinata screamed.

Naruto widened his eyes but reverted them back to his normal synthesis after he dodged every single one of Hinata's punches until the punches were getting sloppy and Hinata was running out of steam. She even resort to kicking, but then her legs gave out and then she collapsed after Naruto GENTLY knead her in her knee pressure points. He looked around to see Neji and Hinata's sister and father watching along, with two words written in their faces.

Disgust. Weak.

Naruto wanted to argue with them wasn't his place to argue. He noticed that Hinata had regained her composure but was still struggling to get up. He hadn't even knead her that hard! 

Maybe Neji and Hinata's family was right. She was weak.

"No, you can't be thinking about that now! Seriously, mind, think of something positive!" Naruto's mind egged him.

"Hinata, are you ok?" Naruto offered a hand to her. Hinata was enraged though at the thought of Naruto offering her a hand in the middle of a duel, as she slapped the hand away with contempt fury.

"Hinata..." Naruto's voice trailed off as Hinata found the strength to get up and continue to land a punch back down on Naruto, but her punches just kept on hitting thin air. Naruto didn't want to kill her by any means. He wasn't like his raven-haired brother, that lived to fight and would kill anybody if they needed to. He wasn't like his pink-haired sister, that would try to win by any means necessary.

He was different. He ducked from one of the punches that HInata threw at him and moved to her back to throw a punch that would seal the game. Albeit, with Hinata having a Byakugan, it was harder said than done to get a clean punch onto her. 

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGHHHHHHHH!" Naruto heard a bloodcurling scream coming from where Sasuke and Kakashi were. He looked at Sakura and she had already taken off to the sidelines. 

It was time for Rule number two.
Rule 2: When you have missed a punch against a Dojutsu user, you let them get a clean punch on you. When getting punched and when airborne, summon shadow clones and let them propel you back down to the dojutsu user with maximum speed.

Naruto did exactly that, and it proved useful when against Hinata, as she punched him up and airborne, courtesy of the Byakugan, and sped back down, creating two shadow clones and then making them propel him down to the Hyuga, who didn't have time to react to the incoming Uzumaki that was propelled at her, as the fist of the Uzumaki collided with the Hyuga's face as sent the Hyuga spiralling backwards as she hit the walls of the stadium.

Winner: Naruto Uzumaki

No applause was given. Just boos and jeers. Naruto silently walked off the stadium in an orderly fashion to where the other two males and Sakura of Team 7 were positioned. Sasuke's shirt had been taken off to reveal a muscular body covered in red lines that were made into concentric circles. Sasuke was revealed to be unconscious due to a ritual Kakashi had performed on his Curse Mark, so it had stabilised Sasuke health and performance levels, and wouldn't go on a rampage again.

"Is he okay?" Naruto asked solemnly.

"He's just sleeping." Kakashi responded silently.

"Kakashi?" Naruto questioned.

"Hm?" Kakashi imitated Sasuke.

"When did you catch your first body?" Naruto looked distraught.

"When I was probably...10? I was a Chunin at that time." He looked to the side.

"You were a Chunin when you were 10 years old?" Sakura's eyes were so high on her face that she looked like she had no eyebrows.

Naruto was amazed by this proclamation as well. Their Sensei was a Chunin when he was 3 years younger than all three of them? 

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