chapter 5 : trying to Escape again and it's successfull this time.

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Krista noticed the door was closed and she suddenly had an Idea but she needed her best friend Abigail's help. She started to think about how to get out of their room.
Abigail Opens her eyes and looks at Krista. She starts crying again and hangs her head in her hands.

Suddenly Achava and Archon approached their room and knocked On the door. They both were kind of a little bit confused. Abigail looks up from where she has her head.

Abigail looks at Krista for reassurance and Krista noticed that.  She looks at Abigail and nods immediately. Abigail nods back. Krista said " I wish High School was different for us Abby. We shouldn't have that fight.

Abigail said" I know but we can't change our past but we can change our future.

Abigail Opened up the door and led the two brothers in and she gently closed the door.

Achava said " We are here to bust you two out. We wanted no part of this at all. We know how to get out of here but you have to trust us. Please Trust Us, we will get you out of here without Our brothers and sisters noticing. He gently puts his hand out for Abigail and she gently takes his hand in hers and He pulls her up. She smiles at him.

Archon holds his Hand for Krista and she gently takes his hand in her and he pulls her up. She smiles at him. The brothers lead the girls outside the Door and being running.

Archon kicks down the door that is locked and Achava looks to see if anyone is coming, he says" the coast is clear, you guys. They quickly but Quietly run through the halls until they see two cars. Avacha's car is a Ford Expedition that was red. Archon had a black Ford Expedition. They were made in the same year. Archon and Achava packed all of the girl's stuff like clothes and other stuff important to them without anyone else noticing which was very easy to do.

Avacha Opens the door for Abigail and she gets into the back seat and buckles up her seat belt.  She is a bit scared but trusts him complaining. He gets in the driver's seat, buckles up, and was about to leave when he saw his twin brother Archon struggling to get Krista into the car. Abigail Unbuckled her Seat belt and approached Krista and whispered" please Trust them, for me at least. I promise we are leaving this place for good. You Trust me right, Krista Bell-Hart?

Krista said " Of course I trust you. You are my best friend In the entire world. Why wouldn't I trust you? Alright, I will get into the car and trust him for now. I believe you.

Krista gets into the back seat of the car and buckles up. Archon gets in the driver's side of the car and buckles up.

Achava and Abigail get into the car and Archon drives off. A few minutes later, Archon drives off as well. They were finally out of the place that was hard to escape.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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