Her father nodded but this time Sophia couldn't read whether that nod meant he approved of her taking into consideration the fact that Zander had been respectful when asking for comfort or something else passed through his mind that he agreed with himself on. In this instance, since Sophia couldn't deduce which option it was, she knew that remaining silent was the correct action to take.

"You are not allowed to date until after high school," Mason said.

Sophia said nothing right away since this was not a connection she could make.

"Can I ask for the logic behind this decision?" she asked.

"You know how people will do things or say things that you find confusing? Or how there are situations that happen that you struggle to understand what's going on until later?"

"Yes, but I feel like I am learning."

Mason leaned forward, resting his clasped hands on his knees. "You are. But can you see how adding the complexities of a strong emotion like love would make simple situations more confusing?"

Sophia took this in and puzzled out what he meant. Normal life at times offered challenges that didn't have anything more difficult to understand than basic interactions. She'd seen how Harrison and Kennedy loved each other but hadn't admitted it until Kennedy got kidnapped. Now they were together and they were the same but different. A difference she didn't know how to define.

Yes, her father's decision to require she wait until after high school to date made sense. By that time she'd have efficient enough experience to handle more complex relationships.

"Okay," she said. "I understand. Can I still have a boy as a friend?"

"Yes, but no more letting him hold your hand."

"Even if he respectfully asks to do so?"

"Even then."

"May I ask why?"

"When it comes to physical touch it can be very different for a young boy than it can be for a girl. Especially at his age."

"I don't see how but I will trust you have a better understanding of the subject than I do since you are a boy and you have Mama to understand how a girl might feel."

Mason let out a breath and rested back in his chair.

"Thank you."

"What are we discussing in here?" Yvette said, striding into the room.

Instantly, Mason lifted one arm. After kissing Sophia on the head, Yvette sank into the small space beside him, her legs draping over his. Though Sophia never acknowledged this thought, she knew she wanted what her parents had.

It was less expressive than what she saw Harrison and Kennedy had, more affectionate than what she saw of Carter and Donovan's interactions, and less gushy than what Uncle Link and Aunt Maddy had. It was comfortable. It was like their family, loving but not abrasive in affection.

"There is no discussion. Father made a decision to not allow me to date until after high school," Sophia said.

"Oh," Yvette said. "How did this come about?"

"I let Zander hold my hand because he asked and needed comforting."

Her parents shared a look and Sophia understood that her mother approved of her father's decision.

"I'm glad you were able to comfort him, but I agree with your father," Yvette said.

"I do too. His logic made sense."

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