Chapter 15: Trouble

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It's been a month since Naoto got out of the hospital. His relationship with Nagatoro stayed the same, but it was closer than before, of course.

Since he got out of the hospital, and had that moment with Nagatoro, he changed a lot.

His behavior was starting to become a lot better in terms of confidence. He wasn't socially scared, and he even decided to start going to the gym, althought Nagatoro didn't know that.

In that one month period, his body took some changes, it wasn't too visible, but the change could be seen, especially to those who've known him.

His wounds almost completely healed, and he was feeling overall mentally and physically better.

Instead of wearing glasses, he started wearing contacts. (He did this mainly because Nagatoro told him he looked pretty without glasses.)

Even though he did go throught all these changes, Nagatoro could always bring his old self out of him, by teasing of course.


It was a monday morning. Naoto woke up at 5:30 AM, took a cold shower, streched and ate some breakfast.

After eating, he put a jacket on (a thin one, since it was the start of spring.

He got out of the house, and started walking.

Nagatoro was already waiting for him at the spot they usually meet at.

She waved from afar since she saw him.

"Sup Senpai!!" She yelled.

He smiled and waved back.

When he got closer to her, he anwsered.

"You seem in a good mood." He said.

She looked at him without saying anything at first, but the she looked at the floor.

"Well... am I not allowed to be happy around the person I love?" She said with a grin on her face.

"W- well... not that I mind..." He said silently. He looked away, since his face was all red.

"What's wrong? Embarrassed?" She asked in a teasing voice. As much as he changed, the fact that she said that still made him flustered show that he was still his old self, sort of.

Even thought he might have changed, so did she.
She never used to tell him things like that on a daily basis.

"I'm just glad... Because I love you too..." He said with a smile.

She quickly looked away. Now he made her flustered.

There was a short silence, but before any of them could say a thing, somebody interupted their talk.

"Isn't it too early for that you lovebirds." Somebody said.

Nagatoro and Naoto turned around to see the three girls, Gamo-chan, Sakura and Yoshi.

"Leave some for us!!!" Yoshi yelled while running towards them.

"Hahahaha fineee." Nagatoro said as she hugged Yoshi.

All five of them started walking towards the school together.

"But you know, it's quite a progress to her you two talk like that to eachother." Gamo-chan said. Which got to the both of them.

They both looked away from eachother.

"W- well it just happened and now we're here so..." Nagatoro said.

"Yeah... I guess..." Naoto said nervously.

"What's this? Are they both flustered? Well whatever.
I guess I can tease them both now." Gamo-chan thought.

As they made their way to the school, while having conversations somebody interrupted them.

"Hey! Would you look who it is. It's that manga freak again." Said one guy

"Yeah. How come he's walking with those chicks, did he get a big head or something so he things he's someone important now?" Said the other guy.

"Looks like we shod beat the living life out of you again." Said the third dude.

It was the three guys who beat him up, well, not just once at this point.

"Leave him alone!" Nagatoro said.

"Yeah! Fuck off dude!" Said Gamo-chan.

The three boys started walking towards them.

"Come on, let's go guys. We'll take some other way to school."

The four girls started walking in the opposite directio of the three boys, but they immedietly notice Naoto wasn't moving at all.

"Senpai, come on..." Nagatoro said in a worrying voice.
She walked back to him and looked him in the face, but when she saw it, it left her speechless.

She expected him to look scared, or stressed, and yet, his face was completely emotionless.

He was looking directly at them, and wasn't moving.
They three boys stopped.

"Damn, at this point you would have already started running. It looks like we really have to beat the shit out of you. You're an annoyance. Please get out of my face or we'll do something you're very familiar with, and I'm pretty sure you already know what it is." Said the third boy.

He was pretty huge for a 17 year old, and quite muscular too.

"Hayase, can you please step back for a moment." Naoto said. This suprised her, espcially because he used her first name.

"B- but..." She said. She didn't want him to get hurt again.

"Oi Paisen, what are you waiting for!?" Gamo-chan and Yoshi yelled from the back.

"Don't worry you guys can go. I'll come back later." He yelled back.

"Hayase, don't worry. I don't really care if I get beaten up, I'm already used to it, what I want to do thought is see that guys face full of blood. If I can at least do that, I'll be more than happy." He said with a smile.

Nagatoro on the other hand, couldn't smile at all. She was scared for her boyfriend.

"Ok... If anything goes wrong, I'm calling backup." She said, even thought she knew there wasn't really any "backup".

"Well would you hear that, just when I thought yiu couldn't piss me off more, you managed to even do that.
Well since you didn't run away, the three of us won't fight you." Said the third guy.

The other two guys were taken by suprise by his sentence.

"W- what? Dude what are you talking about?." Said the other guy.

"Don't worry, I'll beat the crap out of him alone, just so I can prove to him that he stood a chance agaisnt a single person. He really is retarded." Said the third guy.

"I'm completely fine with that." Said Naoto, still showing no emotion.

"Still acting tough in front of your girlfriend, huh?"
He said.

He started walking towards Naoto. It looked like it really was gonna be a fight.

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