Chapter 4: Apology

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Senpai was getting ready to go to school. Usually at some point his way to school lines up with Nagatoro's, and they usualy meet up, but as Senpai didn't want to see her, he came to school 15 minutes earlier than usual.

"At least i can walk somewhat normaly. My body still hurts. But my left hand hurts the most. Why did i get so carried away. I'm gonna have to hide it the best i can, i don't wanna get anyone worried about me. Not like they usualy do." as he was going to school, Naoto looked around himself.

People were looking at him, obviously because of the bandages on his face. There was a bandage that covered his whole arm from his fist to his elbow. It was the arm he cut. Since it was winter, he was lucky he would have an excuse to wear so much clothes, to cover up his bandages.

As soon as he passed through the school building's entrance, he started to hear the voices of other students. "Look at this weirdo. I heard a group of bullies beat up a guy, i'm guessing he's the one." he could hear guys and girls talking all kinds of things about him, most of them weren't even true. Apparently the group of bullies who beat him up spread it around the whole school.

He had 4 classes, so he would spend the rest of the school day at his art clubroom, but he was scared of Nagatoro and the others seeing him, so he had to come up with a strategy.

As he entered his classroom, there were only 3 people in it, since he had arrived so early. Two guys, and Kena.

"Oh my god Naoto-kun! What happened?! Who did this to you??" that was an instant response from Kena as she saw Naoto's face. It truly looked like someone beat him up, which had happened, but he wanted to keep it a secret.

"Oh Kena! You really don't have to worry. I fell down the stairs, it's nothing special. Seriously." Kena was suprised. Naoto never talked like that. He would always talk very quiety and he would stutter.

"Something's off. First of all, he doesn't look like he fell down the stairs at all. Somebody beat him up. That's for sure. But even worse, he looks like he hasn't slept for like a week. Something isn't right here. Maybe that Gamo-chan girl knows something about this."

Kena was a smart girl. Not in a sense of grades, but rather in reading the situation. She knew Naoto better than anyone. They were practicaly childhood friends.

"Well, if that's what you say, but it's still weird that you got that many wounds." after Kena said that, Naoto's reaction was obvious.

"I'm t- telling you it's r- really nothing special!" Naoto was very nervous. He expected Kena to notice it. It was pretty obvious to begin with. As Kena noticed Naoto's nervous stuttering, she decided to stop questioning him.

"Alright. Sorry, i'm just worried about you. I don't want anything bad happening to you." little did she know, something traumatic already happened to him.

The day passed quickly, and senpai was done with his classes. The lunch break arrived. This was the usual time senpai would go to his clubroom to eat, but as he realised there was a chance of Nagatoro being there, he was afraid to go. He had no choice but to go for it.

As he made his way to the clubroom, he got more nervous. He got to the door of the clubroom and put an ear to the door.

"Looks like there's nobody inside. I don't hear anything, but somebody may be trying to be as quiet as possible. I guess i'm just gonna have to check it." he opened the door, and to his suprise, the clubroom was empty.

"Finaly, some peace." he thought. He sat and opened up his lunchbox. "

"Wait a minute, wasn't the clubroom dirty and wet from Nagatoro pouring all that water over me? I guess somebody cleaned it." It was weird to Naoto, since he was the only person in the art club, so nobody would even bother to enter the clubroom.

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