"I can't. I have to get my bike" Reem spoke. I looked at her sighing deeply

"Forget it" her friend said

"But.." she said stubbornly

"Get in the car" I repeated myself, she stormed her foot but sat in the car nevertheless

"Please" I motioned her friend to sit, she nodded and sat quickly

I am pretty sure Reem must have got her stuck in this mess, poor girl looked terrorised.

I was walking towards the driving seat, just then something hit my foot, I looked down and saw beer bottles scattered around, along with cigarette buds. My anger grew even more looking at those things.

I wanted to scream at Reem, but her friend was there, so i bit my tongue

"Where should I drop you?" I asked her friends as I ignited the engine

"I am living in Reem's house as of now" she replied, I nodded my head and drove straight to her house.

I was trying to control my anger. All the incidents happening lately ran through my head.

Reem dancing on the table, in between all the drunk boys, I cringed when I remembered how she took off her jacket and threw in the air. Late night coffee, and that too so far from home. So called protest, and now this. All her deeds were playing in my head like a movie.

I stopped the car outside the house, her friend spoke

"Thank you so much Izhaan! You really have saved us  even though I never expected our first meeting like this, but I would still say, it was nice meeting you"

"Same here. I wish we had met under better circumstances." I replied, she just nodded.

Both of them were about to get out of the car, but I held Reem's hand to stop her.

"I have to talk with Reem in private, if you don't mind" I said

"Not at all" she said and within a few seconds she was gone. After she left I brought all my attention to Reem, I was staring at her in anger, she was fidgeting with her phone, it irritated me, I snatched it from her hand and threw it on the dashboard

"What the..." She shouted

"What were you doing there? You have really gone too far tonight" I asked her in a high tone, my voice was dripping off anger

"Tell me! Why did you go there? For how long have you been going there?" I shouted

"It was the first time I went there" she said, then she told me about the bike race, then some guy lost it, and then he challenged hrr to win the car race, so she went there with him. By the time she was done explaining my eyes were wide in disbelief

"If there was any award being given by the government for being so stupid, you'd definitely win it every year. You are really dumb." I scoffed, she glared at me

"I told you that I didn't know it was illegal, that guy didn't tell that part" she said trying to prove she wasn't at fault. It made me so annoyed

"Well it just showed how dumb you are, anyone will call you anywhere and you will go" she sighed deeply and turned to open the door

"I'm not done talking" I stopped her from leaving, she just sat looking bored

"You have made me so embarrassed in front of Shaurya" I snapped at her

"Shaurya who?" She asked, I rolled my eyes

"The one who saved you from going to the jail, twice. Because of me, that day at school and tonight also, he called me to inform me that you were at the race"

Just let me love you.. again (SEASON I)Where stories live. Discover now