Chapter 1. Exciting Train Ride.

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Quinn’s P.O.V 

Wow, I’m on my way to Hogwarts. This is incredible. I’m, I’m a witch! i'm not sure if its a good or bad thing. My life has changed so much its almost unreal.The last month and a half as been hell. My parents haven’t had a really conversation with me since I got my letter. My mom even told me to stay away from her. I looked up what I am in my Wizards history text book, like with my parents not being magic. I found out a horrible name for myself, A Mud blood. Apparently one of the founders of Hogwarts, Salazar Slytherin the leader of the Slytherin house, didn’t want “Mud bloods” in Hogwarts. How rude. It kind of sucks, I went from being a normal teenage girl, unpopular but with a couple friends, always being the outcast, to something that not even remotely close. I'm a witch, but now I have even less of what I had. I don't have a family. But to my surprise, my uncle really took a liking to me now. He came around the house a couple weeks before I felt to take me to get my wand and stuff. He had to since my parents wanted nothing to do with anything magic.

“Um excuse me?” I look up at the sliding door to my train compartment to see a girl, about my age. 

“Um, we will be at the school soon. So, you need to get your robes on.” She smiles at me. I see that from behind her rectangular orange glasses that she has beautiful blue eyes. Her long brown hair falls on over her shoulders. She smiles again pushing her bangs behind her ear. She looks like someone I could be friends with. 

“Hello, My names Emma. Emma Griffith.” She says as she sits across from me with an out stretched hand. 

“Hi, I’m Quinn.” I warmly smile taking her hand in mine, giving it a good shake. 

“Excited to go to Hogwarts?” She asks sitting across from me. I bite my lip. 

“Um, I don’t really know?” She looks at me with a surprised look. 

“How do you not know?!” 

“I don’t have any family that is a witch or wizard. I have never heard about Hogwarts or magic. So it was a huge surprise to me when I did get my letter.” I shrug. Her jaw drops. 

“I’ve heard about people like you. But don’t tell anyone you have non-magic parents especially Slyitherin. Just say you’re a half blood, and your parents didn’t want you to know till now. Trust me. It will save your butt.” She says. “Also, you better get your robes on.” She adds with a giggle. I look around nervously, not really knowing where my robes are. I look back at her with a confused look I’m guessing because she laughed and pointed above me. I look to where she was pointing to see specially made robes. “I’ll see you at the sorting ceremony.” She smiles and waves before leaving. The sorting ceremony, I think to myself. What in the world is that? I sigh, taking in all the new news as really mind boggled me. As I pull my dress robes down a note falls past my face. I reach down to pick it up. It reads; 

Have fun at Hogwarts. I thought you should have at least of some clothes. 

Don’t blow up the school

Uncle Kevin x 

I giggle to myself before leaving my little room to head to the bathroom down the hall. I walk past compartments and compartments, ignoring everyone till one catches my eye. A boy, tall and skinny but not to shinny, with medium brown hair is laughing off in the corner of the room. Three other boys are in with him. They are all attractive but this one, I don’t know. He has the best hazel eyes. They look mostly green but I’m pretty far from him to be sure. I hear some of their conversation as I slowly pass.

“Seriously Chris, you are in first year!” The boy with black hair points out. 

“It doesn’t matter mate. Things have changed. Remember when first years were 10? Now they are 16. Also, now that Voldemort isn’t around anymore the wizarding world isn’t as messed.” Voldemort, who’s Voldemort? My cheeks redden as I see that the boy, Chris I’m guessing, looked up and noticed me. Shit shit shit. I am now pretty much running down the hall as far away from him as possible. I’m about 10 steps away as I hear a door open. I was almost at the door when, SMACK. I go flying, landing flat on my back. My robes went somewhere as I bring my hands up to my face.

"AH QUINN! Are you ok? I didn't't see you behind the door! I'm so sorry!" I hear Emma call out from in front of me. My eyes are closed, and my head feels all dizzy. I grown as I feel someone squat down beside me.

"You alright love?" I now hear a british boys voice, one I've heard not long before. I open my eyes, and I wish i didn't. The boy that I was gawking at is sitting beside me. I scramble up onto my butt. I look around to see almost everyone looking out of there rooms, staring at us. 

"Ugh..." I mumble looking around. My face burns knowing that everyone is looking at me. 

"Here," The boy offers me his hand as he stands up. I sigh before taking it. His hands are rough yet smooth at the same time. Also pretty muscular. I blush even more as he pulls me up onto my feet. 


"Chris." He says, a smile tugging at his lips. I feel like all the air has left my body and I'm completely frozen. I was right, he does have beautiful hazel eyes that have a lot of green in them.  

"Are you alright? Is it your head?" He ask grabbing my head looking around. I swat is hand away.

"No, I'm fine." I look over to Emma who is holding my robes. I smile at her before taking them from her. I look back at Chris and give him a little smile before walking into the bathroom. 

"God damn it Quinn, You are so stupid." I grown to myself. I strip off my baggy roots sweat and tights and replace them with my big long Hogwarts robes.

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