discussion save Boboiboy

Start from the beginning

(this is Boboiboy reverse, he is the reverse attitude of Boboiboy, example here is Boboiboy  good, loyal friend and has elemental power but the reverse is not him evil, murder, being a traitor and having no power )

Fang : seperti dimensi tersebut Boboiboy reverse berbahaya
( like that dimension Boboiboy reverse is dangerous)

Dimension-bot : Boboiboy reverse lebih berbahaya dari reta'ka jika kamu nak tahu
( Boboiboy reverse is more dangerous than reta'ka if you want to know)

Fang+Yaya+Gopal+Ying+ochobot : APA!?
( WHAT!?)

Ochobot : sebahaya apa!?
( how dangerous!? )

Dimension-bot : uh...tak tahulah tapi boleh hancur lima planet dalam masa satu menit?
( uh...I don't know but five planets can be destroyed in one minute? )

Fang+Yaya+Gopal+Ying+ochobot : *shocked*

Gopal : jadi kamu nak cakap kalau portal yang dibuka ke dimensi Boboiboy mungkin sahaja buka. Boboiboy yang kami kenal , macam tuh?
( so you want to say that the portal that opens to Boboiboy's dimension might just open. Boboiboy we know,  like that?)

Dimension-bot : ha! Paham pun
( ha! understand)

Ying : haiyah kalau macam tuh susah mah
( Haiyah If that's the case, it's hard  mah )

Dimension-bot : tapi....( But...)

Fang : kenapa?
( Why?)

Dimension-bot : aku rasa Boboiboy dah mula selesa disana....
(I think Boboiboy has started to feel comfortable there)

Ochobot : m-maksud kau?!
( y-you mean?!)

Dimension-bot : *angguk*
( *Nod* )

Dimension-bot : Boboiboy mula gembira disana dan jika kamu semua tak selamat kan Boboiboy lebih cepat kemungkinan dia akan hilang ingatan tentang Korang semua , dari keluarga ,kawan, musuh dan galaxy ini
( Boboiboy started to be happy there and if you all are not save Boboiboy  well  Boboiboy will sooner likely lose his memory of you all, from family, friends, enemies and this galaxy)

Yaya : t-tak mungkin.... *Terkejut*
( n-no.... *Shocked*)

Fang : kau jangan buat lawak lah! *Air mata mula keluar*
( don't make jokes! *tears start to flow*)

Gopal : Boboiboy....

Ying : j-jadi Boboiboy akan lupakan kita!?
( s-so Boboiboy will forget about us!?)

Ochobot : Boboiboy....*sedih*
( Boboiboy....*sad*)

Dimension-bot : Korang masih ada harapn...cuma....
( You still have hope...just....)


Dimension-bot pov : Boboiboy kau memiliki kawan yang setia, dan baik, aku kagum dengan kau Boboiboy
( Boboiboy you have loyal friends, and good, I'm in awe of you Boboiboy)

Dimension-bot : aku akan buka portal namun begitu masa disini mungkin sahaja terhenti contoh , kamu ke dimensi sana jadi disini semua nya seperti membeku dan masa tak akan bergerak juga masa had kamu sangatlah terbatas jika sudah habis maka kamu semua akan automatik terteleportasi ke sini dan Boboiboy 100% hilang ingatan di Dimensi ini juga kamu semua tak akan dapat sembuhkan hilang ingatan Boboiboy

( I will open the portal but then the time here might just stop for example, you go to that dimension so everything is here. like freezing and time will not move also your time limit is very limited if it runs out then all of you will be automatically teleported here and Boboiboy will 100% lose his memory in this Dimension neither of you will be able to)

Ochobot : aku paham dan ambil risiko itu!
( I understand and take that risk! )

Yaya+Ying : kami ikut!
( we follow! )

Gopal : demi selamatkan Boboiboy... huhuhu aku sanggup , aku tak nak kehilangan kawan terbaik aku huhuhu
( to save Boboiboy... huhuhu I'm willing, I don't want to lose my best friend huhuhu)

Fang : apa² sahaja demi selamatkan Boboiboy....
( anything to save Boboiboy....)

Dimension-bot : bagus lah ....kalau kamu semua terima
( it's good....if you all accept it)

Dimension-bot : baiklah pertama saya berikan buku tentang dimensi yang Boboiboy termasuk kerana kamu kena belajar sebab dimensi tersebut lain dari sini , kedua baik kamu semua minta izin kepada orang berpangkat tinggi kerana mereka mungkin akan tanggungjawab dalam hal begini, saya sebagai Power spare perlukan izin yang sah kepada pangkat tinggi dalam organisasi 

( well first I give you a book about the dimensions that Boboiboy includes because of you have to learn because the dimension is different from here, both of you ask people for permission high-ranking because they may be responsible in this matter, I as Power spare need valid permission to a high rank in the organization )

Fang : hmm itu mudah tapi kalau nombor dua mungkin susah
( hmm that's easy but if it's number two it might be difficult)

Yaya : *pandang ke jam* korang komender kokoci panggil

( *looks at the clock* your all  Commander kokoci Call we go to the control room)

Ying+Gopal+fang : *angguk*
( *Nod* )

Ochobot : dimension-bot boleh tak kau bagi terus buku tuh ke aku , biar aku dulu belajar

( dimension-bot, can you directly give me the book, let me study First)

Dimension-bot : boleh je
( you can)

Dimension-bot : BOOK  DIMENSIONS

Dimension-bot : nah ambil nih *bagi ke ochobot*
( Well take it *give it to ochobot*)

Ochobot : terima kasih *ambil buku tersebut*
( Thank you *Take the book*)

Gopal : cepatlah ochobot! *Tarik ochobot*
( hurry ochobot! *Pull ochobot* )

Ochobot : eh!?

Dimension-bot : ochobot! Tunggu aku *kejar ochobot*
( ochobot! Wait for me *chases ochobot*)

New chapter : 16/12/2022

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