Chapter 26

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"Huh, that's an unusual answer," Apollo replied, looking equally confused as me.

"How?! But the facts! He's so blunt and straightforward! I'm awkward and—uhm, and yeah!" I cried, Elizabeth turned to me.

"Amara, it checks out, remember? Birth records and all?"

"Am I the only one who still thinks that's weird—"

"Shut up, Thomas!" I protested, Apollo put up his hands in defense.

"Do you really need more evidence?"

"YES!" I yelled back, "Wait, does that mean on the day of the playground—you killed Farrah, my best friend! How dare you?!"

"Farrah Miller isn't dead, just resting at home, eating meds," Apollo chuckled nervously, "plus, that wasn't me. That was all you, you're a child of Apollo."

"S-so, I was the one who—"


"The dreams?"

"They're called visions, and they come true. Basically, you can also tell the future."

"And that's how my hand healed the next day—"

"Still yes," Apollo replied, shrugging, "it was all you,"

"But the other Apollo kids, they can't do this stuff," Thomas said, cutting in.

"Well, she's special," he explained in a mysterious tone.

"But the moon glitch!" Elizabeth argued.

"I think you mean light travel, Amara can absorb light as far as I can see. She can teleport anywhere there's light, even if it's during the night or day," Apollo chuckled smugly.

"Wait...." I said, "if you knew all along, why didn't you claim me?!"

Then I went on about how dumb not claiming me how and rambling about the Apollo kids.

"Wow, she's quite dramatic, " Artemis whispered to Apollo, "Amara really is your daughter."

Suddenly, Chiron, Cora, and Hannah arrived. We filled them up with the latest news, and it turns out they faced a bounty hunter on the way here so that's why they took so long.

"I'm sorry that you had trouble with all the rumors, Artemis," Chiron said, bowing.

"Alas, that is not the only reason I am here," she replied, glancing at Apollo, "I also had to return a favor,"

"And—oh...Apollo," Chiron mumbled as hushed mumbles came from Cora and Hannah, "let's go...give they some work it out,"

Suddenly, Thomas grabbed Chiron.

"You can not let this happen again, the curse will repeat all over again," he cried in a quiet voice.

"It's beyond my control, I am sorry," Chiron muttered and turned to Artemis, "we're having a crisis with our Olympic shrines, poison if fact. If you could ever so kind and heal the poison from the—"

"My hunters!" Artemis yelled, turning to face her fellow hunters, "This camp is under attack. While I go help get the shrines to normal, you can go hunt some monsters and get rid of them,"

"Yes, Lady Artemis!" a girl barked, leading the small group of hunters away.

"Lead the way, Chiron" Artemis said, and off they went. Before leaving, Elizabeth whispered something in my ear.

"Don't let him break you. You're a pawn to all of the gods, Apollo alike,"


Elizabeth walked away with Chiron while the rest gave me a worried look. I was puzzled, but Apollo just gave me a funny look.

"So," he said, "how's life?"

"Excuse me?" I squeaked, and Apollo laughed.

"This place is kind of blunt and blank," Apollo murmured, I blinked.

"My friends might be dying somewhere so maybe I should just go—"

"You got anywhere cool to chill out?" he asked, I sighed. Oh good lord...

"I do have one place...I don't think any monsters or bounty hunters are there..." I mused, and he grinned ear to ear. I glared at the moon, hoping my light travel, or whatever, would work. Then I felt a tingly sensation arising, and FLASH.

In a blink of an eye, Apollo and I were at the stream. The same stream as where I fell down, but surprisingly enough, I still liked it. It was calm and soothing for all the struggles.

"Here's my resting place," I said, and Apollo shrugged.

"It's not as nice as mine but it's alright."

We seated ourselves and sat in cold silence. I curled my hair, feeling awkward. I haven't met my dad in my whole life and suddenly I met him in person. I wonder why...

"So," Apollo said, looking bored, "wanna talk about smack?"

So then it went off, and we talked for quite a long enough, Apollo mostly gossiping, but I didn't mind. I had some time to also talk, venting about my feelings, it felt good to let it all out. We actually had a good time, and a few good laughs...and I felt...happy. Out of all the gods, I felt close just a little bit nicer.

"And then Farrah told me that Kayla and Daniel were dating again," I giggled, trying not to snicker, "but then we both realized that they were step-sibling!"

"No way! Did the parents know?" Apollo asked quickly, I laughed.

"I wish!"

"That's nasty," he replied, grossed out.

"Didn't you try to marry your aunt at some point...?"

"Yeah but I'm a god!" Apollo grinned, "Your humor never gets old, Mags!"

"My name is Amara...who's Mags?" I asked, Apollo went pale.

"I meant to say, Amara! Mags is just an old nickname..." he explained quickly, eagerly trying to change the subject.

"Right...of course..." I chuckled, trying to let the odd nickname rub off my mind. But something started lurking in my stomach as Apollo went off rambling about his love life. Who is Mags? Then I remembered what Elizabeth said to me. What did she mean by that? That was obviously puzzling! And what did my dad mean by, I'm special? And why did everyone give me those depressing looks? Why is Apollo being so friendly to me, and why is he visiting me?

He spent the next decade ghosting my mom and me...Why suddenly come back? I didn't feel too hot anymore and I got more nervous as Apollo went on. Did he want something with me? He stopped talking. Why me? Apollo smiled lightly at me. Am I just truly a pawn?

"You okay? You look as pale as a shade," he teased, and words crept out from my throat.

"Stop it with the games," I blurted, my throat running dry.

"Excuse me? Amara, what are you talking about?"

"Why are you here?" I know you don't care about the other Apollo kids, bet you didn't even care when Marcus Jones died," I muttered hoarsely, "you want me for something,"

I stood up, standing my ground, even if I was trembling and shaking with utter fear. Apollo raised his eyebrow and stayed quiet, contemplating what to do. At last, he spoke up.

"I guess you really are the smart hind of the group," he said, I tried not to roll my eyes.

"I'm pretty sure that's Elizabeth." I splat, "plus that's all you're going to say?"

"Look," Apollo sighed, "I guess there's no point in sugar-coating this any longer,"

"Heck yeah," I said, cursing him. I wanted answers. NOW.

"Okay," he said, groaning, "I want you to do something for me..."

"Like a quest? Please, don't," I moaned, "I'm pretty sure that my mom doesn't want me to die until I'm twenty,"

"Why yes, Ella Shine," he chuckled under his breath, "but no...not quite...think of it as...a favor..."

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