Chapter 10

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I appeared in a forestry area with many cabins lined up. Wait, I am at the back of the cabins? I wanted to move but I have locked in place again. I wanted to panic but I couldn't. And everything was still blurry and distorted. Then I tried to move again, but I was frozen like last time. Then I saw something move. It was a guy or a girl, I couldn't tell. But whoever that was wearing a black hoodie and dark jeans. There was also a spray paint can in their hand, and they popped off the cap. They started writing words, but I couldn't see them yet.

Wait, who was this dark-hooded figure?! Was it the Poisoner? No, I shouldn't jump to conclusions! But...there was this feeling. I quickly jumped to my senses. I'm probably not there but instead, there spiritually. So this person can't see me, that's probably for the best. But is this a dream? No, it can't be, this area looks like the back of the cabins! Plus, my dreams always tend to be funky and...troublesome, hence the nightmare about Farrah.

I noticed that the sunlight was slightly dark as if it was still nighttime but also morning. So I'm thinking five or four AM? Wait, wasn't it ten PM, is the timeline different here? Wait, could I be in the past?! Oh, my FREAKING god. But why me?! And why in my dreams? Or does it just happen at random times like earlier today with Cora at the nurse's office? Why am I only freaking out now!?

The black-hooded person finished the spray paint on the back of the cabins. It said something I still couldn't see. Then, the person finally moved aside to reveal a sentence, less is more! Wait, less is more, what does that even mean? It's catchy though, I'll give it that. Wait, I heard that before, it's on the tip of my tongue. The black-hooded figure continued to spray paint all over the back of the cabin. It was the same sentence, less is more. Looks like I'm going to stay here for a while.

The last time this happened, AKA, the time Elizabeth and Thomas fell to their doom, was only five minutes of time. Why am I still here? And, why a black-hooded figure spray-painting? Seems very—disconnected to me. Also, does this have to do anything with the Poisoner...? I can't seem to connect my thoughts.

"Are you finished, yet?" another voice yelled, I turned my eyes to see another black-hooded figure. What's up with that? Though that person's voice sounded like a female, her voice sounded kind of lurking.

"Shhh! Shut up, I did enough already, "the first black-hooded figure grunted, throwing the spray can on the ground. Hey, that's littering! But that person's voice sounded like a male's voice but it was so sweet that it could also be a girl's voice.

"Why even bother with spray painting, huh?" the second person asked, sounding annoyed.

"To warn people, that we are to be feared! I shall rise,"

"But, when will we get to the fun part?" the second person whined, "this isn't going to be worth it!"

"Yes, it will!" the first person hissed, angry, "we must lay low, but still follow out our plan to—"

To what?! I need to know! Then I felt light fading away from me. The voice was now muffled. I felt immense light blasting all over me. Wait, I need to hear that person's plan! It could be the Poisoner! I must stay!

"Gah!" I shouted, jerking up. I panted loudly, turning my head. I was...back in Cabin #11? I looked down, I'm still in my bunk. What just happened? And wasn't my last dream only last a minute? Why did this one take so long?


"Huh?" I asked, my eyes foggy. Whoops, I fell asleep with my glasses on.

"It's me, Leah," she whispered, "are you okay?"

"I just had something on my mind," I mumbled, anxious.

"A dream?"

"More like a nightmare," I scoffed, "it was so weird. It felt so real to me. And it was behind the cabins—"

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