Chapter 5

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"N-no, we should stay on the bus, we're going to be safe here," I stammered, gripping onto something. Anything!

"Amara, hellhounds are like dogs of pure evil deeds. They will show no mercy, hiding will not help. We must RUN,"

I quickly nodded and we scrambled out of the bus. Miss. M started running towards a trail of rocks and I followed her. I panted as we ran after and faster. Many people or demi-gods (I'm still trying to get the hang of this) were running in the opposite direction.

"Shouldn't we be heading the way where it's safe?!" I protested, Miss. M turned back to me.

"Nowhere is safe since hellhounds can travel in groups. Now c'mon!" she exclaimed as we started to pick up the pace. I was always a terrible runner.

"Eleos!" a girl, with messy brown hair, cried out and caught up with us. Who's Eleos? Was she referring to Miss. M?

"Hannah, thank the gods! What's the status? And where's Chiron?"

"I think Chiron at Cabin #11, but he's well aware of the hellhounds," the girl, Hannah, replied. She had a leather jacket, dull eyes, a bow around her back, and a few arrows in her hand. She seemed three years older than me so she was fourteen.

"Hannah, meet Amara. New demi-god, but unknown parentage," Miss. M said, my cheeks blushed. I know we were running for our lives but I still get nervous when people look at me.

"Hello, Amara! I'm—well, Hannah Hayes, daughter of Hermes!" Hannah smiled, waving at me while we ran, "This probably wasn't the welcome you were expecting but Camp Unspeakable is awesome! Well—except for the dying and survival of the fittest,"

I almost laughed if it wasn't for the fact a dog came in our path. We went to a halt, slowly stepping back. It wasn't your average cute dog but its eyes were glowing red. And its fur wasn't fur at all. It was kind of like purplish fire. No, it was burned and had black fur. I think.

The hellhound snarled at us, and I squeaked. Oops.

"Stay back! I'm warning you!" Miss. M cried, grabbing a stick. But that didn't seem to scare the beast. The dog barked a cruel roar.

"Oh fudge," she swore. Hannah grabbed her bow and arrow, pointing them at the hellhound. She stretched the bow, she stretched it so far that it seemed like it was going to snap. Hannah squinted her eyes, ready to aim.

"Run, you nasty beast!" she declared loudly, letting the arrow fly. It stabbed the hellhound's neck, making the dog run away in an instant. Whoa. That was cool, super cool!

"Wow, you're great at archery!" I cried, and Hannah smiled.

"Thank you, Amara," she thanked, and a siren blared.


"That must be Chiron,"

"C'mon, let's go, it's almost breakfast," Hannah explained, and we started walking back from the way we started from. We ended up in the feasting hall which Miss. M told me about on the bus. There were people quickly talking and processing the incident. But some were crying like they had lost someone. Oh, oh dear. A man with a lower part of his body that were horse legs, walked in the center of all the tables. Holy horse legs! That must be Chiron, huh, he looks different from what I expected. He had a mint green plaid vest, those kinds of vests that a professor wears. And the classic tie.

"Today, before the sun had fully risen, we lost two great young demi-gods. Alecia Keys, daughter of Demeter. She managed to hold off some hellhounds so Cabin #9 could escape." he sighed, expressing his feelings, "And lastly, Marcus Jones, son of Apollo. Always a quirky kid. He died as a hellhound clawed him in the neck, a brutal death. May they safely travel to Hades as the sun rises,"

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