Chapter 8

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Then I opened my eyes. I could hear again. I looked around, I wasn't in the hospital room anymore. I wanted to scream, am I dead?! Is this how it feels?! But I wasn't dead. Everything seemed so vivid and weird to me. Then I saw a blur. I walked closer. It was me. And Thomas, Elizabeth, Cora, Hannah, Leah, and even Jarvis! But why were we all there? We were at Lake Poseidon, and at the bottom of that hill earlier. It was raining, and the lake looked darker than normal. Then Leah and Jarvis were edging us closer and closer to the top of the hill. It looked like they were saying something but their voices were muffled. Wait, why am I here? There are two of me here but no one is noticing me. I wanted to yell for help but I couldn't speak.

It felt like my mouth was glued together. I continued to watch as Leah and Elizabeth talked harshly to each other. I wanted to hear what they were saying but it was still muffled. And everyone was trying to calm the two girls down but the argument looked so heated. Then I heard a word.

"Guys, calm down we—"

I screamed in terror, my voice finally ebbing through.

It was Thomas. He had fallen off the hill and right into the lake. Then a large gush of wind and rain hurled through, washing him away. I was frozen and couldn't do anything. Tears ran down my cheeks as the group yelled for Thomas. And I couldn't move to help. I stood watching the group and the other me, shouting. Was I invisible to them?

I didn't care, all I cared about was helping Thomas. Then something happened. Elizabeth jumped off the hill as well, in hopes of finding Thomas.

"NOOO!" I screeched, and my body finally moved. I ran like the Flash, running faster than ever, hoping to grab Elizabeth's hand. I grasped for her hand but her hand slipped away.

I fell to the ground, sobbing. I didn't know why I was so sad, I had only known them for a short time. But in the pit of my stomach, I felt remorse. By then, it was pouring rain. I shut my eyes. Please, only let this be a dream. Please, I'm begging you. Don't end it off like this.

Then I heard a sound, and I perked my head up. I slowly opened my eyes, and I was gone.

"NOO!" I gasped, jerking up. I breathed heavily as I took a moment to process what was going on. I was in the hospital room where Cora was, and I was the one in the bed.

"Amara?" Cora asked, as my head turned to see her.

"Cora? What happened?" I gasped, stunned.

"You blacked out for a full minute," the boy replied, " do you have any history of panic attacks, passing out, or anything?"

"NO! I'M NOT CRAZY!" I protested and slapped my mouth. Whoops.

" O-okay," he stuttered, a bit surprised. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. I feel funny.

"Are you okay?" Cora asked, I nodded.

"I'm fine—wait. You said I blacked out for a full minute," I said, the boy nodded.


" But how?! My dream, it felt like it lasted at least five minutes!" I cried, and he gave me a funny look.

"A dream?"

"Yeah! There were these two people, falling to their deaths—"

"Death?!" Cora cried and I sighed.


"Wait here, guys," the boy replied, and left the room. That dream was so intense, and I felt like I was actually there.

I pushed back my hair and curled a strand behind my ear.

"You know," Cora chuckled, "your hair reminds me of this Olympian,"

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