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A/N- There was a problem with publishing, this chapter didn't post for some reason, sorry!

As a team, Enid, Wednesday and Aria came up with strategic ways to guarantee Bianca's demise. After hearing how she spoke to Xavier, Aria especially was fueled, wanting nothing more than to give her striking blue eyes a bruise to match.

"We're all set." Enid said as Wednesday approached them.

"Good. Thing's in position." She said.

"Wanna tell me what you three are up to?" Enid asked.

"And spoil the surprise?" Aria grinned.

"Speaking of surprises, your costumes are in the tent!" Enid gleamed.

"You didn't tell me-" Enid cut Aria off by shoving them both in the tent.

In a few minutes, Aria and Wednesday both emerged, wearing a matching black catsuit with a headband. Aria fiddled with it, a sour expression on her face.

"OMG, you two look purr-fect!" Enid exclaimed, cat whiskers drawn on her face. "Only thing, where are both of your whiskers?"

"Ask again, and you'll be down to eight lives." Wednesday said simply. Enid looked at Aria hopefully, but she just shook her head.

Instead Aria looked around, trying to find Bianca and her team. Instead, she found Xavier, in full clown face paint that was somehow already smudged. He was staring at her, so she waved to him. As if snapping out of a trance, he blinked before waving back.

He approached her, stepping away from his conversation with Ajax. "Ready to lose?" He asked, grinning as he adjusted Aria's headband.

She knew what he was doing, so she decided to fight fire with fire. "Never." Aria smirked, running her thumb right under the corner of his lip. She watched his previous confidence fall into flusteredness, feeling very pleased with herself.

She turned away, a wide smile on her face since she knew he was still watching her. If Xavier wanted to play that game, she'd beat him every time.

Aria met up with her team, getting into the canoe and waiting for their que. She was determined, unable to hide the fire in her eyes as she looked at Bianca. While Wednesday glared, she kept her smile, though it looked much more malicious.

Aria turned to her other side, catching Xavier looking at her again. Without thinking, she winked at him before turning her attention to the water, anticipating the start of the race.

Enid must've had the same idea, waving to Ajax.

"Focus, you two." Wednesday said strictly.

"Sorry, captain." Aria joked.

"What do we have here? The runt of the litter." Bianca taunts.

"For the record, we don't think we're better than anyone else." Wednesday motions to Aria, who was behind her.

"Just that we're better than you." Aria finished, not noticing Xavier's smile.

Ms Weems gave a small speech before announcing the start of the race with her gun, the boats moving quickly. The group wasn't sure what exactly Bianca had up her sleeve, but Bianca also didn't know what they had planned.

Either way, Aria was certain they were going to win. Aria paddled hard, keeping pace with the other girls.

"Oh, excuse us!" Xavier called out as his canoe narrowly passed theirs.

Wednesday nodded at Aria, and with a small smile, she used her telekinesis to push the water against Xavier's team's boat, while propelling her's forward.

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