Chapter 2: The taste of rum

Magsimula sa umpisa

To get to the bus stop I just had to walk down to the main road which took about five minutes. There was loud music coming from a bar and I spotted some guys standing outside the entrance in warm coats pulling on their cigarettes.

I was about to sit down on the small bench at the bus stop when I noticed a figure sitting at the other end. They were dressed in a thin sweat jacket and some loose jeans, trembling from the cold and struggling to sit up straight. They must've noticed me staring because they slowly turned their head to look at me, revealing their familiar face.

"Shuri?" I asked but got no reaction, so I got up and went over to her crouching down in front of her.

She slowly raised her head to look at me finally recognizing me, "y/N, Heeyy," she slurred attempting a smile.

"Are you here alone? Where is Riri?" I asked concerned.

"I came with David, but I think he left," she mumbled with half closed eyes.

"Wow what a great friend, do you want me to call someone to come and get you?" I said searching for my phone.

"No, please don't, I don't want them to worry!" she exclaimed catching my hand to stop me from calling.

"Uhm okay, well I can't leave you here, you're freezing and obviously too drunk to get home by yourself," I thought out loud, "I mean if you want to you can stay at my place tonight I'm on my way home anyway."

She smiled almost falling of the bench, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, of course, I'll call a taxi really quick," I chuckled trying to hold her upright.

A few minutes later the taxi arrived, and I helped Shuri to get into the car taking the seat next to her. Her head immediately fell on my shoulder, her mouth slightly open and her eyes closed. I smiled at the peaceful look on her face. She truly looked adorable sleeping on my shoulder.

After the taxi driver had dropped us off right in front of my door, I put an arm around Shuri's waist to keep her from tripping.

Inside my dorm she immediately plopped down on my couch. "You can sleep in my bed, I'll take the couch," I said filling up a bottle with water and offering Shuri my hand to help her get up.She took it thankfully, and I put my arm around her waist again leading her to my bedroom.

"Do you want some other clothes to sleep in? You can have some sweats and a shirt if you want," I offered.

"You are too sweet, remind me to thank you a million times tomorrow morning," she said.

"It's fine really, I don't mind having you here," I smiled at her thinking about what I had said to Ava earlier.

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and change into my pyjamas while she was changing in my room. When I came back, she had already slipped under the blanket watching me with a curious look. She already looked way better than at the bus stop.

"If you need anything, I'm just outside, on the couch, so goodnight and sleep well" I went to turn off the light.

"Wait," she said patting on the bed next to her, "can you stay with me for a bit?"

I hesitated, "Sure." I sat down next to her pulling my knees to my chest not really knowing what to say.

"I kinda imagined this situation differently, you know, sleeping over for the first time," she chuckled turning around to look at me.

I laid down on my side resting my head on my arm, "Well how did you imagine it then?" I asked innocently.

"That's something for another day, hopefully when I'm sober and able to think before I speak," She smirked supporting her head with her hand.

"You wanna hear something funny?" She asked with a sly look on her face.

"Of course, tell me," I said looking up at her, my eyes settling on her soft looking lips.

"I could've walked to your dorm by myself," she hesitated, her eyes observing my face, "but I like the feeling of your arm around my waist,"

I hadn't even noticed, how close we got. I could feel the heat coming from her body.

"Do you?" I whispered keeping my eyes on her lips.

"Yeah," She breathed slowly tilting her head.

I felt her nose scraping against mine and her breath on my lips. She gently placed her hand on my waist, pulling me closer before finally locking her lips on mine. Her lips were warm and even softer than I expected. I parted my lips slightly, allowing her tongue to slip inside. I could still taste the lingering flavour of rum on her lips as I placed my hand on the back of her neck to deepen our kiss. Sparks flooded through my body, as she slipped her hand under my shirt and slowly traced the line of my back.

Our kisses got sloppier, and I felt her breathing getting heavier. I tangled our legs together, wanting to feel her as close as possible. Her hands were now on my lower back, tightly pressing my body closer. A small sound escaped her lips as I started to move against her. Her lips went to my neck placing soft kisses on my throat. Her hands left my back, travelling even lower, making me gasp. I pulled her up again smashing my lips on hers desperately. I felt her warmth all around me, my heartbeat going crazy, and my mind flooded with lust.

"Shit," I heard her breath.

Suddenly, the warmth was gone.


The next update is coming tomorrow, I hope you like what I wrote so far. I'm always excited for comments so feel free to write what you think:)

Sunlight on your face (Shuri x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon