Chapter 24: breathe

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Everything around me was quiet and the only thing I could see was my mother in front of me.

The smile on her face disappeared, and she took my hand, looking into my eyes with a serious expression.

"You can't give up yet, you have to stay strong."

And with that, she was gone, and I was swallowed by darkness.

Shuri's POV:

I was swinging over the bridge when I heard the soft melody sound through the air.

The Sirens...

The last time I heard this melody was the day my mother died. Shivers ran over my whole body.

A loud bang cut through the air, scaring the sirens away.
I looked up to the landing site of the palace. Someone was standing at the edge, hypnotized by the melody.

Everyone knew to plug their ears when the sirens appeared.

Everyone besides one person.

Shit, y/N...

My heart froze when I recognized her.

I watched her tumble, lose balance, and tip over the edge.
Everything seemed to slow down as she fell towards the water, her hair fluttering around her and her hands helplessly reaching for the sky.

Okoye and Nakia appeared on the edge of the platform with eyes wide with shock.

I screamed her name, but I was too far away to help her as she shot towards the water.
Adrenalin rushed through my body as I saw her breach through the surface and disappear into the dark waves.

I started running towards the shore, keeping my eyes on the water, hoping that by some miracle she would appear between the waves.

She didn't.

I heard someone scream over me, and when I looked up there was Aneka in one of the smaller jets. I jumped up, catching hold of the rope hanging out of the entrance.
She flew towards the palace and got lower over the spot y/N had fallen into the water. I let go and dove into the dark sea.

The water was freezing, but I only had her on my mind. I couldn't lose her.

It took a second for my eyes to get used to the darkness.
There she was.
A few meters beneath me, slowly sinking towards the ground. She was unconscious.

Her body was limp when I reached her and wrapped one arm around her waist using all my strength to swim towards the surface.

Okoye and Nakia were waiting at the shore as I pulled her out.
Nakia wrapped a warm blanket around me, pulling me away from her cold body as I watched Okoye shock her over and over again.
I screamed in panic, and I was taken back to the moment when my mom was laying on the floor, not reacting to the shocks.
Tears streamed down my face and Nakia held me tightly to keep me from running to her.

Minutes went by without any sign of life, and I saw how Okoye and Nakia exchanged a knowing look.

I screamed in pain, begging her to wake up, but she didn't move. 

Y/N's POV:

The darkness faded, and a white light engulfed me.
My body felt like it was floating, and I slowly remembered what had happened. How I was swallowed by the cold darkness of the waves, unable to reach the surface.

That's when I heard her.
She was screaming with panic. I couldn't see her, but her voice was loud and clear.

"No, please y/N wake up, please don't leave me." The despair in Shuri's voice made me shiver.

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