Chapter 25: lucky day

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It was a sunny Friday morning, two and a half weeks had passed since the attack and my injuries were almost completely healed. The only thing that still hurt from time to time were my ribs, but it was bearable.

I had spent almost the entire last two weeks inside of the palace, only being allowed to go out for short walks.
Shuri was very strict with the bed rest, and even after a week, she didn't want me to move too much. She took care of me as well as she could, and I was suspecting that she felt guilty for what happened, even though it wasn't her fault at all.

It was my birthday, but I had forgotten to tell anyone about it because of everything that happened. I wasn't too fond of birthdays anyway, so I thought I'd just spend this one like every other day.
It just wasn't the same since mom died.

I woke up in my bed, the sun was shining through my closed blinds, and I could hear someone rummaging in the kitchen.
After washing my face and putting on a large hoodie, I walked into the living room.

Nakia was standing in the kitchen, preparing pancakes for breakfast. She was around to keep an eye on me whenever Shuri had to work.
I felt guilty because she definitely had better things to do than babysitting me, but Shuri wouldn't hear of it.

"Good morning, how are you feeling?" Nakia asked when she noticed me.

"Good morning, I'm good, my ribs barely hurt anymore, you know you don't have to cook for me..." I replied with a smile.

"I know, but Shuri asked me too and I know that if I wouldn't do it she would probably never get out of the house..." Nakia chuckled, "besides, I enjoy our mornings."

"That's true," I smiled, "I enjoy them too and I appreciate it a lot, but I'd understand if you have other things to do you know..."

"I promise if I didn't wanna do it then I'd say so, now sit down, the pancakes are almost ready..." she said with a reassuring smile.

We sat down at the kitchen table, and ate the pancakes, chatting about life.
She told me about her home in Haiti and her son, who was staying with some friends until she would return.
We went on to talk about Shuri, and Nakia talked about some stories from Shuri's childhood.

"You know, you're really good for her, I haven't seen her this happy since T'Challa died..." Nakia said with an honest smile.

"I'm glad to hear that... I really love her," I replied fondly.

"I know you do, and I can see that she loves you too."

A warm feeling filled my chest, thinking about Shuri.

"What you two have is rare, it reminds me of what T'Challa and I had... he was everything to me," she said, and I could see the sadness in her eyes, "don't let her go, what you have is worth fighting for, no matter what happens..."

She squeezed my hand before getting up to clear the plates. I helped her clean the kitchen, her words ringing through my head.
I wouldn't let her go again.

I spent the afternoon working on my graduation project. It was almost done, the only thing I had left to do was to write a short text to explain the idea behind the project, and add a small description to each drawing.
I was quite happy with how everything had turned out, and I was hoping to be chosen for the exposition at the end of the year.

A few hours had passed when I heard someone open the door and walk up the stairs.
I thought Shuri wouldn't be home until the evening.
She entered the living room with a wide smile, coming up to me and pressing a soft kiss on my lips.

"You're home already? I thought you had to work longer today," I asked confused.

"Yeah, but I am the queen, I can decide if I wanna leave earlier... I thought you'd be happier to see me," she pouted.

Sunlight on your face (Shuri x reader)Where stories live. Discover now