Chapter 8: away from reality

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Two weeks had passed since the fight with Shuri, and things were going great. We spent almost every free minute together, and it seemed as if everything was falling into place. I even managed to convince her to meet Sarah, and after we all got together for dinner, Shuri had to admit that she wasn't as bad as she thought.

I was sitting at my desk, staring at the sketches I had to choose from for my graduation project. The collection would consist of ten different drawings, all portraying things out of my daily life. I had already chosen six of those sketches, but I just couldn't decide on the last four ones. The drawings I had selected were mostly scenes from New York and Wakanda, so I needed to get some variation into it. I thought about what else I could put in there, but nothing came to my mind, so I decided to put it away hoping that inspiration would strike me at some point.  

Shuri had left early in the morning and had since then not once left the lab. I sent her a message asking if she was too busy to eat lunch with me to which I received an immediate reply saying that she was already desperately waiting for me. 

After I warmed up the leftovers from the evening before, I made my way downstairs balancing two plates on one arm and some self-made iced tea in the other hand. The two Dora's next to the entrance held the door open for me smiling at my effort.

Shuri hurried over to help me when she saw me barely being able to keep the plates from falling. She chuckled pressing a kiss on my lips before leading me to a small table away from all the instruments.  

"Have I ever told you how adorable you are?" Shuri asked putting down the plates and sitting down facing me. 

 "Yeah, multiple times, "I chuckled, "but I need a reminder now and then" 

"Well, I will remind you daily," she said with a soft smile.

Our lunch date took longer than expected, because Shuri almost forgot to eat talking about the progress, she had made in her research bombarding me with words I had never heard. I just nodded along listening to how she kept going talking about her work with the same passion I talked about my art projects.

After we finished, I brought our plates up to the kitchen quickly washing them before making my way to campus. I only had two lessons scheduled for today, but Sarah and I wanted to work on our projects after.  


"So, have you picked all your motives?" Sarah asked sitting down at a table. We had searched all the art rooms before finally finding one free table. 

"No, I just can't decide on the last four ones," I answered with frustration sitting down facing her.

"Yeah, I get that, it's an important decision, but maybe you'll have a moment of inspiration in the next hours," She chuckled trying to cheer me up before taking out her notes and focusing on her work.

I thought about all the things I could draw, there were so many beautiful things, but everything was just too boring to make it into my collection. I thought about everything that had happened since my arrival in Wakanda three weeks ago, and suddenly it hit me. Sarah looked up from her work with a smile as I started to outline my idea into my sketchbook. My pen flew over the paper slowly creating the scene I had in mind. 

"Come on show it to me," Sarah demanded curiously as I put down my pen inspecting my sketch.

"Alright, I'll show it to you, but I want to explain my thoughts first, and you can't laugh," I made her promise.

"So, you know how I met Shuri at our friend's birthday party, and how we talked the whole evening... That evening Shuri told me about the sunsets in Wakanda, and she said I had to come see them once because they were the most beautiful thing in the world..." I looked up at Sarah laughing at the impatient look on her face.

Sunlight on your face (Shuri x reader)Where stories live. Discover now