Chapter five

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Yn's POV

I woke up being tied up again. The back of my head hurts. I felt something soft against my back. Not like a wall or something. I looked over my shoulder and saw Eddie with his head down. He was shirtless. He was also tied up. He had bandage on his back and stomach.

''Eddie...Eddie can u hear me?'' I nudges Eddie's back in the hopes he would waking up to that.

Eddie's shifted slightly.

Oh, thank goodness you're alive.

''Hmmm, I hear you. Man I feel like I've been shot.'' Eddie groaned.

''Well you have been shot Eddie.'' I informed him.

''Well shit...'' he chuckled.

I heard footsteps getting closer to us.

''Well well well, someone's awake, finally!'' Rick smirked.

''Who are you? What do you want?'' I asked while I followed Rick's movement towards Eddie.

''My name is Rick. Me and Munson go way back. Don't we buddy?'' Rick grabbed Eddie's chin and lift it up. Eddie shook his hand away.

''See, every since he made his stupid dream come true of becoming a so called rockstar, he's forgotten all about me. Tossed to the side. Not answering a single phone call. I felt so angry and frustrated. I knew having a great time with a beautiful young woman like yourself would relief some of that frustration. And luckily for me, catching Munson and you helped me to feel less angry. I still have some anger left in me after that little stunt Munson pulled. Both of you will pay. And now it's your turn Munson.'' Rick said as walked to Eddie and kneeled in front of him. He grabbed Eddie face and forced him to look at Rick.

Eddie looked at Rick as if it could kill him.

How I wished that was possible.

''That cockblock of yours wasn't cool Munson. I will make you pay. Boys?'' Rick said. I looked up and saw three huge guys approach us and walked straight to Eddie. They pulled him by his hair and lift him up.

''Argh hands off me assholes, now!!'' Eddie yelled as he tried to fight off those guys.

Tears started stinging my eyes. ''hey!!! Leave him alone! Let him go!!'' I yelled.

Rick walked up to me and kneeled in front of me. ''No sweetheart. I have to teach my young friend here that actions have consequences. But don't you worry. I will take some good care of him! You'll see.'' Rick walked away and came back with a laptop.

''You can see how I'll take good care of him. See you later sweetheart.'' He came close to me and kissed my cheek. I felt disgusting. When he walked away I quickly wiped my cheek on my shoulder.

When I looked up, I was alone. Then I heard some noise coming from the laptop. I looked at the laptop and saw Eddie being hanged by his wrists.

Then I saw Rick approached him with a baseball bat.

My stomach dropped.

Eddie was shot twice and lost a lot of blood. If he gets beaten he won't survive that.

''I'm kind of glad you didn't die from those shot wounds. I wanted to beat you up for awhile now. And now you will feel every punch I give you more harder. Any last words?'' Rick asked while circling Eddie.

''Yn...please don't watch this.'' Eddie said.

I felt tears forming in my eyes. Then I heard the first hit.

Eddie screamed. That scream sounded so intense. I turned my head because I couldn't bear seeing him getting beat like that.
I couldn't cancel out the noise since my hands were tied behind my back.

So I heard every hit, punch and pain in Eddie's voice.

My stomach dropped with every hit I heard. I felt so nauseous and overwhelmed by hearing Eddie in excruciating pain like that.

Please Eddie.

Hold on.

Hang on...

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