Chapter 7

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Jennie takes a second to recover from the initial shock of seeing her there, but still eventually smiles. "Hey!" She says with unforeseen shyness.

"Hey!" Lisa sends back her brightest of smiles, and takes the ball from Jennie's hands, fiddling with it in between her fingers. "It's you."

"It's me, again." Jennie chuckles. "I'm not stalking you, I swear." She defends.

She had not expected to meet Lisa, especially Lisa clad in only a white bikini top and denim shorts, her red plaid shirt tied around her waist. Half of her ginger hair has been lifted in a small bun on top of her head, the rest falling gracefully down her shoulders.

She looks beautiful, Jennie cannot deny that. The amber of her eyes shines in the distant light, and the brunette catches herself staring for longer than what Lisa may find appropriate.

"I would have no problem if you did." If the ginger's reply wasn't soft and so painfully honest, Jennie would have thought that she is messing with her.

The brunette's reply comes as a breathy laugh, unable to produce a coherent answer. "So, what are you doing here?"

"We went for an evening walk." Lisa's gaze moves to the dog snuggling in her legs. "The beach is our favorite place, right, Koa?" Koa lets out a bark at the mention of her name, making both girls laugh.

"I didn't know you had a dog." Jennie watches attentively as Lisa throws the tennis ball into the distance. "She is beautiful."

They amusedly watch Koa chase after the toy, lifting the sand into a big dusty cloud behind herself. Jennie sees Lisa turn to her with the corner of her eyes. "She is, and not only."

"How old is she?"

"Three. I got her when I first moved to Hawaii. I didn't want to be alone and she needed rescue, so we kind of found each other when we both needed it."

"That's adorable." Jennie smiles softly. "Can I ask where are you from, or that would be too personal?" Jennie's eyes turn to the ginger.

"Nothing is too personal for me." For a second, Lisa's grin shifts into a smirk. "I'm from Thailand."

"I have been there a couple of times. Stunning place." Jennie replies right as Koa returns with a sandy ball in her mouth. She drops it by the brunette's feet and watches her expectantly. "You want me to throw it for you?" Jennie asks as if the dog would understand. She picks up the ball and shoots it as far as she can, even if nowhere near Lisa's powerful throw.

"She seems to like you," Lisa says from the side with a content smile.

"I like her, too. Such a sweetheart."

"She usually doesn't like strangers, you know." Lisa picks up the ball after Koa returns once again. "It took my friends a handful of weeks until she was brave enough to even think of getting close to them. She was a really fearful puppy, but I knew there was more to her. That's how she got her name."

"What does it mean?"

"In Hawaii, Koa means fearless." Lisa leaves a kiss on top of her head and scratches behind her ears.

"I like the sentiment behind it." Jennie watches them interact with a smile of adoration.

"Yeah, you should see her now. She's not afraid to hike mountains with me and swim amongst the sharks. At this point, they are more scared of her." Her laughter makes Jennie's bubble up, also.

Lisa places the ball on top of Koa's nose and the brunette watches in amusement as the dog manages to balance it. Silence settles in, but not as uncomfortable as Jennie thinks it would be. Eventually, Lisa turns back to her with a soft look glowing in her eyes. "Do you want to go for a walk?"

PhotographㅣJENLISA Where stories live. Discover now