Chapter 3

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If heaven exists, it's in Jennie's bed.

She wakes up with the accompaniment of Jisoo's mellow snores on their first morning. A strained whine escapes her lips as she shifts against the bedsheets, somehow finding them ever softer and cozier than she remembers.

There's oddness in the silence. It lacks the screeching wheels and revving of cars' engines in the early dawn. She's definitely not used to such luxury, but she finds herself absolutely able to.

The morning sunshine stretches far into the room and washes over Jennie, gently kissing on her sensitive skin. The breeze sneaking through the gap in the balcony door refreshes the stale air and fills her lungs with chilling crispness. Jennie lets out a relaxed breath and snuggles further into the pillow, focusing on the sound of the distant sea waves to wallow in the morning for just a little longer.

The day drags quickly and Jennie jumps into the shower soon after, toiletry bag squeezed under her arm. Clothes pile on the tiled floor of the spacious bathroom before she sinks into the bathtub to scrub off any remaining sweat from the previous day. She takes a minute to contemplate how many of the lavender-scented hotel soaps she could steal before anyone picks up on the sudden disappearances.

Two girls can't possibly shower that much, right?

A fluffy white towel wraps around her body once her skin is light and shining clean, and Jennie continues with the rest of her morning routine. Jisoo remains snoring by the time she makes it back to the bedroom. She shivers slightly at the chill air and picks up her phone to see that it's almost ten in the morning and breakfast is coming to an end.

She curses under her breath in hopes of still having a chance to grab a coffee. A baggy t-shirt and a pair of crocks later, Jennie sprints downstairs. In between dodging cleaning ladies who scrub the floors after breakfast, she manages to steal two cups of hot deliciousness and return to the room unharmed.

Jisoo snores, again, and it makes Jennie wonder how exhausted did the sickness manage to get her. She pulls apart the thin white curtains with the intention of drinking coffee on the balcony, but what she sees leaves her breathless. A panoramic floor-to-ceiling window opens up a view of the neighboring seacoast. The everlasting body of azure waters stretches as far as one's eyes go, dotted with lines of white as the waves strengthen to crash in the golden of the sands. A blooming strip of palm trees nursing joyous greens and tawny browns acts as a border between the public beach area and the privacy of the hotel premises.

Jennie doesn't take long in admiring the crystal view before she returns to the room, rummaging for her camera. She indulges in documenting the beauty of the low rising sun and seaborne clouds for the next few minutes before she finally allows herself to relax into the padded chair and sort through the photographs.

Jennie could not be happier to have a room with such an amazing view. With a quick sip of her coffee, she takes the viewfinder of the camera to her eye and drags the lens along the scenery, catching bits and pieces of the beaches in the distance, the grassy field of the hotel, and the vibrant blues of the pool. All leaves her fascinatingly curious. She takes her sweet time exploring each part and snaps a few more quick shots.

A circular structure curls along the poolside, detailed with cobblestones, cozy padded chairs, and wooden pillars. Jennie remembers catching a hint of the cocktail bar on the previous night. Inside the pit, a boy and a girl juggle between clients and juicer machines and alcohol bottles, and the brunette settles on them to watch them work. She runs the camera along the countertops as the girl hands over a drink to a client and moves on to the next one with a bright smile.

Something about her dark ginger hair catches Jennie's interest. The brunette zooms in in order to get a better look. She has never seen a color that resembles such a mixture of reds, browns and oranges, and even a hint of purple. She cannot explain why, but she finds it appealing. A fleeting thought passes through her head for a quick moment, making her wonder if it would be a good idea to dye her own hair in such a vibrant shade.

PhotographㅣJENLISA Where stories live. Discover now