Chapter 4

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Jennie's eyes light up at the sight of the pool around the corner as they make it back to the hotel by one o'clock. It's hard to tell if the sweat on her forehead comes from the heat that has only gotten worse, or from the growing anticipation as she rushes ahead, leaving Jisoo behind to look for vacant lounge chairs they will need later.

"Finally, finally, finally!" Jennie almost catches the ropes of steam as the cool water puts off the fire of her heated skin, and she sighs in deep satisfaction.

"Is it good?" Jisoo calls from behind her as she finds a pair of unoccupied lounges close nearby.

"So good." Jennie moans. She could see herself jumping in with the clothes, but doesn't find the thought of ruining her newest piece very appealing. She would, after all, have to undress. Jennie makes her way back to Jisoo before the latter has a chance to join her.

"Are you going in?" She asks as she drops the bag by her feet.

"Not wasting a second more."

Jennie expertly unties the robe and lets it glide down her arms and shoulders. As it pools around her ankles, she becomes highly aware of the stares she receives from all directions, and blames nothing but the black bikini that hugs her body in all of the right places. Jennie has gone past the stage of feeling shy about it.

Her breasts bounce as she adjusts the straps of her top to a more comfortable length, and, without minding anyone, she bends to pick up the robe, ignoring the silent gasp that comes from behind.

Jennie is in no way a fitness maniac or a diet freak, but she's mindful enough to be able to keep her well-structured body in a good shape. She has been blessed in more ways than one and she takes neither her figure nor her gorgeous face for granted. After all, she would hate to ruin her feline eyes, pink lips, and long dark hair, her curvy hips, thick thighs, and fairly-sized boobs.

Jennie likes to emphasize her beauty in a way that confuses people, making them think she shows off with the intention of arising jealousy. It's a big misconception she has struggled with. The brunette is simply confident in her looks.

"It brings you a great satisfaction to do that, doesn't it?" Jisoo snorts, stripping off her clothes to reveal a red bikini with white flower patterns.

"Do what?" Jennie feigns confusion for a quick second before her smirk appears.

"That." Jisoo eyes her body funnily. "You know you are pretty so you have to make everyone else aware, huh?"

Jennie shrugs. "I'm stripping down because I'm by the pool, Chu. I don't know how did you decide that."

Jisoo snorts once again. "Yeah, right."

"There are people who walk the streets half naked and call it 'fashion'. I think they'd like an earful of what you have to say." Jennie sends her a wink. "By your logic, you just undressed to show off your abs, didn't you?"

Jisoo smirks. "Never claimed I didn't. I'm a pretty bitсh and I know it. It runs in the genes, sister."

Jennie laughs. "Touché."

"Let's go grab a cocktail, shall we?"

The walk to the bar is quite short and they find their place at the back of the queue easily. Jennie hums to the music coming from the speakers, finding the beat catchy, as her eyes get familiar with the area. Everything seems bigger than what she remembers, somehow, and she realizes she must have been so tired the previous night to not been able to comprehend anything accurately.

There is still a feeling of disbelief that lingers in the pit of her chest. Disbelief that she actually made it to Hawaii, that she escaped Korea and everything she dreads so badly. This place is heaven-like and Jennie is ready to make the most of it while she has the chance.

PhotographㅣJENLISA Where stories live. Discover now