Chapter 8

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No Thanksgiving Story just...

The next day,

Ricky wasn't here today, since he fainted yesterday. The choir was quiet, and it went well. The only thing that happened was a small argument between Ocean and Noel. "Ok, since we got done early, we should do a vote." Noel said. He opened his notebook and wrote something down. "OK, Mischa on a scale of 1-10 what do you think of Ricky?" Noel asked, "Solid 10, he is amazing," Mischa said back. He noted that. "Constance, what do you think," Noel asked, "10 as well," she said. "Ocean?" Noel said, "6.58," she said. Noel rolled his eyes. "Ok, now on a scale of 1-10, how cute is Ricky?" Noel said. "Why do you need to know this?" Mr. Largo said. "Information I need," Noel smiled. "Umm, I think 8/10" Mischa said, "9?" Constance said, "A solid 0!" Ocean said. "Ok, now from 1 to 10 how hot is his brother?" Noel asked, "1/10, weird question," Mischa said, "4, I don't know why you are asking this!" Constance, "10/10 whatever he is better than Ricky." Ocean said. It was better than nothing. "Noel, may I ask why are you keeping track of these?" Mr. Largo said. "Nothing, just some joke," Noel stated as he sat back down at his spot. "Do you guys think Ricky is like you know," Noel asked making a hand movement down, "A kid?" Mischa said, "a singer?" Constance said, "A football player?" Ocean said, "No," Noel does a hand-down movement again. "Ooh, maybe, he wouldn't ask you out for sure," Ocean said. Noel gave her a grin. "No, I mean like some girls earlier were flirting with him," Constance said. They didn't say anything else. The bell rang. "Ricky was supposed to present today," the teacher of the next class said, "So now we can just have a short study hall before lunch," Ocean turned around to Noel behind her, "Do you think he planned this out?" Noel got confused, "Why would he plan something that would have a 3.5% chance of happening?" Noel said back to her, "Maybe, he knew that if he worked himself out the whole event, he would faint and be able to skip school the next day!" Ocean was strong on this theory, "Why would he suffer just to skip a school day? Plus wasn't he excited to present?" Noel said, "Yeah, but he didn't stop when he realized that he started to feel weird, plus he knew if he overworked himself he would faint." Ocean said back, "Yeah, but he knew that we wouldn't survive if he left," Constance said, "I think he was trying to help us even if it meant him getting sick," Noel said. Ocean turned back to her original position. "Ocean, look I know how much you dislike Ricky but don't you think you are going a little overboard with it?" Noel said, opening his textbook to pg. 41, "You ripped his lunchbox that one day, and you also said that you didn't want him on the first day of school," Noel had a point, yet this wouldn't change Ocean's opinion. She just opened her book and started reading. The class was quiet for the rest of that hour. Lunch! It was sad that Ricky wasn't there, he was the true highlight of this story. Lunch ended and each member went to their next class. Noel and Ocean are still fighting about Ricky when Liam walks in interrupting their little feud. "Move it, whities," Liam Fallings, yes that is actually his last name, the dumbest guy in the school, "Oh, lover boy isn't here, sad," he said, oh yeah he asked out Ricky on the first day of school, but he rejected him because who wants to date him, and ever since then he calls Ricky lover boy, "You are only picking on me because I am gay and a Jew," don't you hate these kinds of people. "Shut up, that is no way abuse of being gay," Noel said, "and that is no way to abuse of being a Jew!" Ocean said. He just laughed, "You are lucky that my lover isn't here, he would have told you guys to back off," He said, "Ricky is our friend, he would never be on your side," Ocean pointed, "For your matter, we worked on a group project together, and it is rude to point at people," he said spitting out his words, literally that point rude ripped part of Ocean's uniform, a metaphor. "One Ricky told us how bad you are at measuring, and I can point whenever I want!" Ocean said, pushing him with her index finger. "Whatever, when lover boy comes back I will get him to stop you from hurting me," he continued, Ocean and Noel had enough. They both sat down at their seats, and he continued to stand in front of them, "I will make you guys lose Ricky as a friend mark my word, and he would have no choice but to become my new boyfriend!" Liam said. They knew that wasn't possible. "Liam, sit down," he finally sits. A bit later, they have a little time in that class to do work. "I know you guys hate me, but you will regret it in the end," he laughs. They were confused. The bell rang, "You will regret it," they both just walked off. "Wasn't that weird?" Ocean said, "Yeah, like if you can get Ricky to talk to him, you saw what happened on the first day of school," Flashback...

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