Chapter 4 Part 1

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"Where is it!" Ocean is looking through her locker for something. "It has to be here!" She says tossing everything she had out to the floor. Constance is seen going to her locker, "What are you looking for?" She says kneeling by Ocean. "MY HAIRBRUSH IS MISSING!" She continues to search. In comes Ricky walking to his locker, "DiD YoU StEAl It!" Ocean said with a demon-like voice. Ricky took a step back, "Steal what?" He said trying to get to his locker which Ocean's door was covering. "My HaIRBrUsh!" She said, swinging open his locker to search for it. No luck. She started to cry, Ricky and Constance stood by, "Maybe you left it at home!" Constance said, Ocean looked at her. "I never take it home," she started to get mad, "You probably just misplaced it," Ricky said. This ticked Ocean to the point where she punched his leg, it made no effect because it was just a leg, plus he was on the football team. Ocean looked all depressed for some stupid hairbrush. The bell rang, "Really Ocean now you are going to make me late!" Ricky says swinging his locker open again to grab his stuff and then rushing to get to his homeroom. Ocean got up and went to her homeroom. She sits down, "Looks like someone isn't looking happy today," Noel says, "Shut up" he quiets himself. One thing to know is that you don't want to get Ocean mad or she will go and make your day just as bad or worse than hers. Homeroom ended. The whole time she was depressed like a rat who just found out their dad was found dead on Christmas. PreChoir time. Ocean sat down while the other two talked about how hard the Algebra test is going to be, "Is something wrong, Ocean?" Mr. Largo asked, "She lost her stupid Hairbrush, so she is acting all depressed today," Ricky stated. Ocean glared at him, "It was more than some stupid hairbrush, but you wouldn't understand since you are a football kid that cares more about playing and winning your stupid games." This made Ricky angry. "You act like I wanted the team in the first place, the only reason why I joined was to get away from my stupid overprotected family!" Ricky sat down, "But why would you care you just think every guy on the team is just some jock of cares about a stupid game that they never win in the end!" Ricky shouts, "Maybe today we should just have the class time to take a breath before the next class." Mr. Largo said, closing his binder. Ricky lay on the carpeted steps that they stood on. Ocean put three chairs together to make it so that she can lay on it. Constance just sat by a table and studied like the good girl she was. Mr. Largo went out of the room for something, they didn't hear what he said, but he asked Mrs. Cummings to fill in for him while he was out for a short period. She looked into the classroom and looked at Ricky laying face to the ground on the steps, and Ocean laying on the chairs. Then she saw Constance. "Hey you two laying down, why are you guys laying? Are you guys tired?" She says, they both groaned. "Umm Mrs?" Constance said, raising her hand, "yes?" She responded, "They are both mad since someone stole Ocean's hairbrush and she got mad making Ricky mad because she said that he doesn't care about anything but football, but Ricky doesn't care about the sport and thinks that she is insane for getting mad over a stupid hairbrush he said," Ocean had a pillow in her backpack and threw it at Constance, this is a sign to tell you to shut up. Ricky sits up, looking tired and weary, a membean word that I just learned, your English teacher should use it, the website not the word. "If you guys are not going to solve the problem, then it will become bigger and harder to maintain." She said, they all stood silent. Ocean stands up, "Ricky! admit that you took my hairbrush!" She grabbed the pillow that she threw at Ocean and threw it at Ricky. He caught it before it hit him, he is very good at catching things which is why the coach also wanted him. Ricky threw the pillow right back at her, slipping out her hands and landing back on the floor. The bell rang, and they all left. Third hour. Back to Choir. Ocean is still mad at Ricky even though he probably didn't even steal it. "This was an investigation for the best member of the choir, me!" Ok, fine Noel asked to be the narrator today so he would be speaking in the first person. This is a job for.

"Noel Gruber!"

Ocean is seen walking around the classroom wondering who has her hairbrush. I of course I offered to help investigate, another membean word, for this unhappy situation.

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