"S-shut up" I say.

"And Chaeun likes Tao" she suddenly says and we look at Chaeun's red face.

Chaeun POV

"I was only joking" Hyewon says.

"Huh?! You really like him??" Melody asks all excitedly.

"Shh.. You're so loud Melody" I say.

"Daebak!" She says.

"Since when" Hyewon asks.

"I dunno. It's just that whenever I see him, I can't seem to breathe. And when I look at him, my heart speeds up and I become all red" I say shyly. Hyewon looks at me weirdly.

"D-does that mean you like someone?" she asks.

"Well yeah" I say.

"That means... me and Sehun" she says. I smile. I guess we're all crushing on someone. I wonder who Byeol likes.


Byeol POV

The next day has arrived and I'm waiting for my results from the doctor.

After a few minutes later, the doctor comes inside.

"So can I go on stage?" I ask.

"You're disease is progressing very quickly, Miss Park" he suddenly says.

"W-what do you mean?" I ask, beginning to get scared.

"I didn't think it would progress this fast. It's best if you don't go on stage next week" he says. I don't know what to say next.

".....B-but I won't even be dancing most of the time. I should be fine then, right? Right?" I ask, wishing for hope.

"Miss Park, I beg of you, please do not dance anymore. The more you dance, the more you will become tired. When you become more tired, there is a chance you may die. You can pass out and just pass" he holds my hand. I put my other hand on top of his and smile.

"Sir, I'm sorry. But this is not a competition. This is a charity for children like me. Who are sick and need help" I say.

"So you won't stop?"

"Please keep this a secret" I say.


"Doctor, I already accomplished everything I wanted to do before I die. Well, almost everything" I say.

"What haven't you accomplished yet?" he asks.

"Seeing my friends and family smile and laugh together" I smile. I get up and open the door.

"Miss Park" He calls out. I turn around to look at him.

"Yes, sir?"

"I'm sorry. I couldn't find an answer to your question. Why do you have this disease? Why is God so cruel? I don't know to the answer to those questions" he says.

"That's okay. After I die, another fortunate child will be born" I say and leave.


Tanya POV

It's already been a week. We've been practicing all week long. We've been meeting down here every day at 10am and leave at 2am.

"I'm so tired!!" Melody complains.

"Tomorrow is the charity dance stage" I say.

"I have an idea" Byeol says and we all sit in a circle, a very big circle.

"What is it?" Baekhyun asks.

"Let's all have a sleepover here!" she says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Memories. I'm dying soon" she reminds all of us. It's like she's okay with her dying.

"Why do you say it so freely? That you're dying" I ask.

"Because there isn't anything I can do. And me crying and moping all day long won't help me. There are other people with way worst lives than me" she says.

"I'm in" Melody says.

"Same here" Hyewon says.

"So what about it, Tanya?" Baekhyun asks me. I turn my head to look at him but then move away from him when I saw his face so close to mine!

"I-I guess I'm in too" I say and look at Byeol. She just smiles at me.

There is something wrong here

"So let's all sleep here tonight!" Byeol says.

The night goes on and we just talk about random things. I'm sitting next to Baekhyun. Melody is sitting next to Kyungsoo. Hyewon is sitting next to Sehun. Chaeun is sitting next to Tao. Byeol is sitting between Chanyeol and Daeyeol, who came down a few minutes ago.

"Byeol is a special one" Baekhyun says.

"No kidding. But I have a bad feeling about tomorrow" I say.

"Everything is going to be fine" he says.

"I hope so"

"Chanyeol really loves his siblings"

"Of course, they're siblings. They share the same blood"

"Just because they share the same blood doesn't make them family" he says and I look at him weirdly.

"Uh, yeah it does"

"I'm only quoting what Chanyeol told me. He said that's what Byeol told him"

"That sounds like what she would say"

"Yeah. Apparently she said that only love matters" he says.

Byeol POV

I look around the room. Everyone is having their own private conversations. Everyone is smiling and laughing. I look at the girls. This room sure is full of love. I look at my two brothers. I smile when I see them actually speaking to each other. Actually having a real conversation about something that's not about me. Daeyeol oppa is smiling.

"I finally accomplished everything" I say quietly to myself.

The night goes on and everyone falls asleep. I can't seem to sleep. I sit up straight an look at everyone. They all sleep like they're dead. Dead, that's what I'll be soon. Tomorrow. I stand up and tiptoe around the room. I stop in front of Sehun. He's asleep. I kneel down in front of him. I lean in and lightly push my lips against his. After a few moments, I back away.

"Thank you for letting me feel this feeling. The feeling of loving someone" I whisper to myself. I go back to my brothers and lay down. I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

-Admin Miki&Cristi-

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