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---Warning for emotionally abusive & neglectful parents---

As Tord stared up at the ceiling in his dark room, he suddenly begins regretting the last week.

Ever since he and Tom got "caught" cuddling, he hadn't spoken to Tom. Nor gotten any sleep.

Tord is quite a stubborn person, he'd be the first to admit that, but he can't even look at Tom without a dirty look being shot his way or a "what do you want?"

As Tord thought about this, the time passes and the sun shines through. So he drags himself out of bed and towards the couch.

"There you are," Before he gets even a step into the room he sees Tom, remote in hand, and a small, embarassed smile on his face.

"Tom! I-I didn't think you'd be up this early," Tord slowly backs up.

"When was the last time you slept?" Tom sits up, leaning forward. Something holds Tord there, despite that he wants to -- needs to run.

"I..." Tord sighs, defeated, and sits down on the other side of the couch from Tom, "I think you know,"

"A full week, huh?" Tom chuckled, "You know why yet?"

"I...have a theory," He admited, "All this time awake, it's given me a lot of time to think and no escape from my brain,"

"Well lets here it, what's your theory Tordy?" Tom leaned closer.

Tord pushes him gently in the shoulder, unable to stop himself from laughing, "Don't call me that!"

"Maybe don't laugh so loud, someone might here you~" Tom teases. Tord pauses, the fear suddenly weighing in on his shoulders.

Tom clearly notices, leaning away, the smile leaving his face. After a moment that felt longer than it probably was, Tom says, "Why are you afraid of someone knowing about...me?"

"I don't know," Tord says, but he does, he knows so surely, and when he sees the instant sadness on Tom's face, he can't stop the words that leave him.

"I spent a lot time being made fun of. By my classmates, by my friends, by my parents. Every time I showed any emotion, I was mocked. If I showed even small affection, even appreciating my parents, I was called a freak."

"But you know Edd and Matt wouldn't," Tom says.

"They wouldn't if it was just friendly, just because I can't sleep for a medical reason but-" Tord covers his face, panic welling up inside and trying to escape through tears.

"But?" Tom leans in, Tord realizes just how close he is.

"But...But I just, I think, part of the reason I can't..." Before Tord can say more, he's interrupted by a yawn.

"Whoops, looks like it's sleepy time for Tordy!" Tom teases.

"I told you to stop calling me that!" Tord laughed, wiping away his tears.

"What are you gonna do about it? Fall asleep on me?" Tom smiled.

"You're the worst, Jehovah," Tord rolled his eyes just a second before a second yawn rolled through him with little to no warning.

"Oh my god, just come here," Tom smiled, his eyes squeezing closed before he pulled Tord close, "Can I watch something while you sleep?"

Tord nods, shifting gently until his face is buried in Tom's hoodie and his heart feels full.

"You want me to wake you up for breakfast?" Tom asks casually as he flips through channels.

Tord thinks for a moment and, with his last bit of energy, shakes his head no.

"Your loss, commie,"

Tord laughs. At least, he did in his head. Cause that's the last thing he remembers before falling asleep.


He woke up hours later. A quick glance at the window told him it was about midday.

Tord glances around until he sees a paper on the kitchen table.

"Hi Tordy,

Edd, Matt, and I went out to some stupid lunch with a girl who i guess is Edd's girlfriend now? It's gonna be super boring without you anyways. I hope you slept well. Tonight works well for me if you wanna visit. You still have my key,

Oh you, i figured it'd be a good time to say you talk in your sleep! You have weird dreams.

xoxo, you know who"

Tord scoffed, talk in his sleep? Impossible. He would've noticed that. Someone would've brought it up before.

As he went back into his room, something similar to dread filled him and, without much thinking, his body lead him into Tom's room.

He didn't know what he was looking for, but what he found, was more than a suprise.

It was a confession.

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