"Hmpf," Harry grunted in response, still not moving.

"Are you all right?" Louis slowly stepped out of the bed and walked toward Harry's bed,.Harry's eyes followed him.

"I think I have a fever," Harry mumbled into his pillow.

Louis sat down on the edge of his bed, pushing Harry's hair away from his forehead, placing his hand against his skin. "Damn," Louis mumbled. "You are burning hot."

Harry smirked slightly into the pillow. "Thanks. I know."

Louis smacked his arm. "Hey, don't be cocky on me, curly."

"Sorry," Harry whispered

"Hmm," Louis hummed. "How bad would you say it is?"

"From like a scale from one to ten?" Harry questioned.

"Yeah." Louis nodded his head. "Sure."

"Eleven," Harry mumbled into his pillow. "My head feels like it's going to explode and all my limbs are so, so heavy."

"All right," Louis breathed. "Do you want to go to the school nurse?"

"No," came Harry's reply. "I just want to lay here all day and not move a muscle."

"You need food," Louis stated.

"I am not moving."

"I didn't say you had to," Louis said and stood up from his bed. "I will go grab some food for both of us and then find a movie on the laptop, sounds good?"

"Louis," Harry whined slightly. "You have classes."

"I will survive not attending them one day," Louis said, smiling. "See you in a bit." With those words he left the room.

Twenty minutes later Louis was back in the room with four toasts in a little paper bag he stole from Niall and two cups of tea, from which he had managed to only spill a little on his way up.

"Here you go," he said as he placed the food and drinks down at Harry's nightstand.

"Thanks," Harry mumbled. "Now eat yours and then go to class!"

"Nope, not happening," Louis smirked.

"I could smit you, you know," Harry said, coughing a little for emphasis.

"I doubt that," Louis smirked and took a bite of his toast. "Now, Guardians of the Galaxy or four full hours of End Game?"

The following morning Louis woke up coughing and with the urge to throw up and a smirking Harry telling him, "I told you so."

Louis flipped him off.


Wednesday both boys were back to health, Louis still coughing a little, and they went together down to breakfast, meeting up with the other boys.

"Look who returned from the death!" Niall said as they approached the table. "The Prince and his puppy."

"What?" Louis eyed Niall weirdly as he and Harry sat down on the bench together. Louis sat next to Niall, Harry next to Louis, seating Louis in the middle.

Niall leaned into his side. "Don't you think I haven't noticed how you look at him," he whispered. "You look like a puppy who adores their owner."

"What the fuck, Niall?" Louis hissed back. "That's such a weird thing to say."

Niall just shrugged and leaned away, but then decided to lean back in and whisper some more into Louis' ear. "There is a reason I haven't moved back in, you know."

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